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Early on in Starfield, players will get to spend some quality time with the various members of Constellation. In fact, several of the main story quests early on will have players work with characters that they can recruit later on. One example of this is with Sam Coe.

Sam is leading an expedition, and he needs help with it. He's come up with a potential lead on another artifact somewhere near Akila City. Of course, the expedition soon becomes anything but routine. Here is what Starfield players can expect to encounter as they begin the main quest "The Empty Nest".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

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Speak With Sam


The first step for this quest is to go to the Lodge and speak with Sam Coe. He will be in a side room to the left of where the artifacts are. After introductions are out of the way, Sam mentions that he has a potential lead on another artifact somewhere in Akila City. Before departing, make sure to stock up and sell any items if needed.

Travel to Akila City


Either fly or fast travel to Cheyenne. Upon entering the system, players will be scanned for contraband. If everything checks out, open up the scanner and land in Akila City. Exit the ship and approach Sam to progress the quest. There, he tells players more about where the Artifact could be.

After talking to Sam, follow the blue waypoint to reach the GalBank Vault. Along the way, players will be stopped by a security guard who will warn them to try to stay clear of the GalBank as there is a situation there at the moment. The bank is in the middle of a robbery, and the one leading the heist has hostages and is demanding to talk to someone not affiliated with the city or the guards.

Negotiate with the Leader of the Bank Robbers


Approach Daniel who is not happy to be talking to a stranger, but his tune changes once Sam vouches for the player. After finishing the discussion with Daniel, go around the barricade and approach the entrance to the bank. Approach the terminal to the left of the door to talk to the leader of the bank robbers.

Players will have the opportunity to persuade the leader, but if that fails they can ask what their demands are. If players were unable to persuade the leader the first time, there will be another opportunity once they learn what the demands are. If this second attempt fails, the only option for now is to return to Daniel and explain the situation. If players cannot persuade the bank robbers to stand down, they will have no choice but to go in and deal with them.

Direct Approach or Sneak In


At this point, players can either attempt to go through the front or sneak in the back. When talking to the leader of the bank robbers again, he will agree to allow players to see the hostages if they go in unarmed. It is possible to convince the leader to see the hostages while still armed, but the difficulty of this will depend on what rank of Persuasion players have. If this fails, players will have to around the back and use the key to get the jump on the bank robbers.

There are only six bank robbers in the building, so it won't take players long to deal with them. Daniel will give 3,000 credits as a reward for a job well done. Once the bank robbery situation has been dealt with, go back into the bank.

Look for the Map


Head down to the basement and search the three areas marked by the blue waypoint. In one of the lockers there will be a note for Sam along with an hourglass. Talk to Sam to learn more about the person who stole the map. Sam is unwilling to say much, but he will elaborate more on who Jacob is if players can successfully use Persuasion.

Regardless of what choice is made, leave the bank and follow the waypoint to reach the Coe Estate. Go on inside to witness a heated conversation between Sam and his father, Jacob. Once that is done, talk to Jacob and then talk to Sam.


There are three ways that players can get the map from Jacob. The first is to ask Cora for help. The second option is to have Sam distract Jacob while searching for the map. The third option is to talk to Jacob and attempt to persuade him. Sam prefers if his daughter is left out of it, but he is willing to try it if all other options fail.

If players succeed in persuading Jacob, he will give them the key to the door that leads to the map. Open the door behind Jacob and pick up the map. Talk to Sam to progress the story.

Go to the Empty Nest


Naturally, a new problem comes up as Sam reads the map. The artifact is deep in the middle of territory held by the gang that is responsible for the bank robbery. If players had to kill the bank robbers, the gang will not take kindly to their presence.

When ready, fast travel to the Empty Nest. Be ready for a fight, as there is a large group of enemies in this area. Once they are cleared out, look for a door that leads into a cave. More enemies are in the cave, so make sure to be healed up before going in.


Halfway through the cave, there is a locked door with an advanced lock. If players cannot unlock this, they can simply climb up the boxes and go over the door since it is just a gate. Beyond this gate, there are lots of spots where players can mine resources so make sure to bring the cutter. Continue going down through the cave until reaching a dead end where the artifact is. Pick up the artifact and leave the Empty Nest.

Meet Shaw


Upon leaving the hideout, one final complication presents itself to Starfield players. The leader of the gang, Shaw, is not pleased about losing a bunch of members and the hideout. Players can either try to persuade her, attack her, or pay her 4,000 credits. Regardless of what players choose, a pack of Ashta will approach. Players have the option to kill them or leave. After that, head back to the Lodge and put the artifact with the others to complete this main quest.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.