The Settled Systems is filled with various factions with differing aims and philosophies. For those who want to be space cowboys in Starfield, there's the Freestar Collective, while those with more villainous desires can join the Crimson Fleet. Joining each of the factions comes with special perks and reveals more about the Settled Systems and its history.

There's also the Va'ruun, which may be the most interesting faction. Technically, the faction cannot be joined, but it plays a significant role in the game's lore. There should have been greater opportunity for players to be part of the Va'ruun, as it could have had big implications for Starfield's story.

Starfield Player Finds Disturbing But Effective Ship-Stealing Strategy

A Starfield player devises a somewhat disturbing but highly effective strategy for stealing ships without incurring any penalties.

House Va'ruun in Starfield

One of the themes of Starfield is the contrast between the scientific realm and the spiritual. Some characters, like Sarah Morgan, put their full faith in science, while others like Matteo are more attracted to spiritual answers to the questions of the universe. For those who find themselves agreeing with Matteo, House Va'ruun is the faction to keep an eye on.

The Va'ruun faction believes in a deity called the Great Serpent and places a spiritual emphasis on grav jumping, which they believe is one of the ways to come into contact with the Great Serpent. It is a secretive faction, though its headquarters can be visited on the planet Jemison. It is managed by the Va'ruun High Council and led by Anasko Va'ruun.

Serpent's Embrace in the Character Creator System

In the character creator, players can choose to be a serpent worshipper, but that doesn't give one access to the Va'ruun society, which is a pity. However, anyone who chooses this trait will gain a 25-point boost to their health and oxygen for four hours with each grav jump. This is particularly useful for those who find themselves traveling the Settled Systems a lot.

How a Joinable House Va'ruun Could Have Changed Starfield

If players joined House Va'ruun, they could finally discover more about the faction and its many, many secrets. At the moment, it is so secretive that even its members don't know the location of Va'ruun'kai, the faction's homeworld. It could have something to do with the Serpentis solar system, which has a name that inevitably makes one think of the faction.

It would also shed more light on the concept of grav jumping and its connection to the legendary Great Serpent. Although the game tries to balance the scientific and the spiritual, it tends to lean toward scientific answers to most questions. Delving into the Va'ruun faction would even the playing field a bit.

Starfield's DLC

It's not too late for Bethesda to allow players to join the Va'ruun, as there is DLC in store. Titled Shattered Space, it has a confirmed 2024 release date, though not much more is known about what it will bring to the base game. If the studio plays its cards right, the DLC could answer many questions surrounding the Va'ruun faction.

Starfield is a vast game that one can sink hundreds of hours into without uncovering all that's available. In many ways, the Va'ruun remain the biggest mystery in the game. Allowing players to join the faction could have given players an interesting perspective on the Settled Systems and its rich history.