
  • Shattered Space introduces House Va'ruun as a menacing threat in Starfield, bringing in exciting horror elements to the game's lore.
  • The DLC changes the perception of the previously harmless faction, turning them into the primary antagonists with a mysterious and dangerous agenda.
  • Starfield players can expect a new chapter full of tension-filled moments as they delve into the dark secrets of the enigmatic House Va'ruun.

Starfield has finally offered its first look into the mysterious House Va'ruun in the trailer for the Shattered Space DLC. The highly anticipated expansion to Starfield brings an all-new chapter to Bethesda's space adventure, and the studio seems to have made a surprising, but exciting, choice with the secretive faction.

The first trailer for Shattered Space was revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase, and it has a surprisingly creepy tone. The DLC promises to bring Starfield's space exploration even further by finally offering players a deep dive into its most mysterious faction. In the base game, House Va'ruun was known within the galaxy, but was ultimately shrouded in secrets, as the religious group did not necessarily want to be found. Despite its strange nature, House Va'ruun seemed rather harmless overall, but Shattered Space appears to change that.

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Shattered Space Establishes House Va'ruun as a Threat

There has been a lot of speculation about Shattered Space leading up to the DLC's official reveal. Many of the theories surrounding the expansion were correct in predicting that House Va'ruun would finally make its big entrance into the game's world, but one of the most surprising parts is that the faction appears to be the main villain within Shattered Space's story. Shattered Space presents some exciting horror themes with House Va'ruun, and that may be just what Starfield needs.

House Va'ruun Brings Surprising Horror Elements to Starfield

In the world of Starfield, House Va'ruun seemed pretty inconsequential, albeit compelling. Throughout the game's story, the theocratic group were portrayed as fairly harmless, but that has now been completely changed. Shattered Space makes it quite clear that although House Va'ruun may not be outwardly aggressive in the base version of Starfield, the cult does not take kindly to strangers who visit their home planet. There is very little lore known about House Va'ruun, but that is all about to change.

As Starfield's world continues to expand, finally getting to experience House Va'ruun and learn about the followers and their way of life promises some thrilling new lore to learn about. It's surprising that the faction is going to be so horror-focused, but it's also an exciting change of pace that can breathe some new life into Starfield. House Va'ruun's worship of the Great Serpent has remained one of the game's biggest mysteries, and Shattered Space is finally lifting the veil on the group, and they don't seem too happy about it. Based on the trailer, the group takes any outside visitor as a potential threat, and this promises plenty of tension-filled moments when facing members of the theocracy.

A New Chapter For Starfield

Although Starfield launched to mostly positive reviews, the overall reception from players at the start was quite a mixed bag. Since then, major updates have helped Starfield improve, but it still doesn't fully feel complete. However, Shattered Space may be just what Starfield needs in order to make the game feel more well-rounded. A surprising hint of cosmic horror being thrown into the mix is a compelling new approach to building upon the game's world, and House Va'ruun being a threat finally helps clear a little bit of the fog surrounding the group. This probably isn't the route that many were expecting Bethesda to go with House Va'ruun, but it's a choice that could really become a shining point in the game.

The world of Starfield is vast and full of fun mysteries, and Shattered Space will hopefully bring to light some long-awaited answers. There are exciting updates planned for Starfield, and it will be intriguing to see how the addition of Shattered Space changes the overall landscape of the game's lore now that there is a new threat waiting deep in the galaxy.