
  • Starfield's Shattered Space DLC may focus on House Va'ruun, potentially involving companion Andreja.
  • The DLC could provide more insight into the mysterious House, expanding Andreja's role and backstory.
  • Players may explore House Va'ruun's inner workings, potentially aligning with them or conducting espionage missions.

Starfield launched last September as a highly anticipated title and new IP from Bethesda Game Studios. Starfield's sci-fi future designed around a sleek NASA-punk style marked the developer's first original property in quite some time. Although upon launch it faced its share of criticism and perhaps wasn't the overwhelming hit the studio may have been hoping for, Starfield still sold quite well (being the 11th best-selling game of 2023) and kept many players engaged via exploring its vast Settled Systems, meeting dozens of colorful characters and undertaking various tasks for them on behalf of their associated organizations.

Bethesda had previously stated plans for a major expansion sometime later this year, and the upcoming Shattered Space DLC is currently slated for a Fall release. Keen-eyed players recently noticed a few details in the trailer for Starfield's Shattered Space DLC that point to it including elements related to House Va'ruun, one of its more opaque factions. Though this isn't officially confirmed at the time, if it indeed is the case, a natural consequence seems like one of its main companions, Andreja, would likely naturally be prominently involved, given her known personal history with Va'ruun.

One New Starfield Feature is a Stepping Stone Ahead of Shattered Space

An upcoming Starfield update will deliver a long-overdue feature, which is hopefully a sign of even more good things to come.

Starfield's Shattered Space DLC Focusing on House Va'ruun Means Andreja Might Step Out of the Shadows

Starfield's Shattered Space DLC Revolving Around House Va'ruun Opens Up Great Potential

One of the threads and parts of its setting's lore that has become more combed over since Starfield's release is the enigmatic House Va'ruun. Starfield has only really scratched the surface so far regarding the history and mysteries behind House Va'ruun, much of which has been hinted at in brief mentions and implications previously, some of it based on hearsay and rumors within the world, all of which begs further questions. The possibility of Shattered Space bringing players to its secretive home world, Va'ruun'kai and the capital city of Dazra, comes with a wealth of storytelling potential, which could directly tie into Andreja and her own story as seen thus far.

How Starfield's Shattered Space DLC Might Shine the Spotlight on Andreja

As one of the core members of Starfield's main Constellation group and a recruitable companion, Andreja initially comes across as just another dedicated member, professional and knowledgeable, if a little aloof. However, eventually, players can learn that Andreja was formerly a member of House Va'ruun, but has since questioned her relationship and role within it. She distanced herself from the House and aligned more closely with the Constellation after she experienced a tragic encounter that has left her struggling internally by the time players meet her. They can assist her if they so choose.

Should Shattered Space be framed around the House, it would provide a seamless opening to explore Andreja's character and past further and thus give her a greater role. Perhaps she will serve as the window and entry point for delving further into House Va'ruun's shadowy existence and its true reach and ambitions, revealing that she has more information about their inner workings. The DLC might even see fans taking on spy-flavored missions, similar to the corporate espionage ones for Ryujin Industries or the Crimson Raiders missions, as thematically, this would seem to apply to how House Va'ruun generally operates.

Shattered Space could perhaps contain a questline that results in players being able to ally with House Va'ruun in some manner, should they wish to roleplay that route. Even if this isn't the case, though, showing more facets of House Va'ruun in any capacity still brings a lot to the table, and depending on whether players choose to bring Andreja along for the adventure and where they stand with her, she may offer additional insight and flavor throughout the DLC's narrative. While it remains to be seen exactly how and to what extent the part House Va'ruun will play in Shattered Space, all the elements are in place to make Andreja an integral part of it, and expand on both her personality and the Settled Systems at large.