
  • The Scow in Starfield is a missed opportunity.
  • The mission involving The Scow is a setup without much payoff, lacking unexpected twists or exciting discoveries.
  • The inability to steal The Scow, a unique ship in Starfield, adds to the letdown and makes it one of the biggest disappointments in the game.

Starfield's The Scow is one of the game's biggest missed opportunities. Over the course of Starfield's main quest, players will be taken to a wide variety of planets and ships populated by all matter of intriguing characters. One of the game's most interesting locations, at first glance anyway, is The Scow, which players have to visit as part of the main story mission called No Sudden Moves. Please note that this article will have some SPOILERS for The Scow mission in Starfield.

The Scow is a massive ship piloted by Captain Petrov, a collector who has created a giant cosmic museum of sorts. The Scow is sprawling, filled with all kinds of artifacts and a handful of alien creatures. At first, The Scow and the associated No Sudden Moves mission are compelling, but by the end of it, Starfield players will come away realizing that the whole ordeal is sort of a letdown.

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Despite Petrov being a collector who has traversed the cosmos for artifacts, there isn't anything particularly interesting on The Scow. There are things locked behind glass cases and the occasional historical item from Earth, but otherwise there's not much of interest. It's true that The Scow is home to a unique assault rifle, but anyone that takes the time to walk around the ship in search of truly interesting Easter eggs will likely be disappointed - assuming there's nothing big that we missed in our search, of course.

starfield scow

Another reason why The Scow is a big missed opportunity is that the No Sudden Moves mission is a lot of set-up without a lot of payoff. Players travel to The Scow to get an artifact, one of the key items that players need to collect to beat Starfield's main quest. Players are introduced to Petrov, led through his humongous ship, and then shown the artifact. They then have a few different ways they can leave with it. And that's it. The Scow doesn't have any big secrets to find or unexpected swerves to keep players on their toes. It's a quest that starts off very promising, but ultimately doesn't go anywhere particularly interesting and has a very predictable climax.

And perhaps the biggest letdown when it comes to The Scow in Starfield is that it doesn't appear that the ship can be stolen. Many of the ships players find in Starfield can be hijacked, but The Scow seems to be an exception. Since The Scow is so unique, it's especially disappointing that players seemingly can't add it to their fleet of Starfield starships. Between the lack of interesting items in Petrov's collection and the fact that the ship seemingly can't be stolen, The Scow is definitely one of the biggest letdowns in all of Starfield.

Starfield launches September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X.

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