
  • Sarah Morgan, a companion in Starfield, has a hidden love for alcohol, with hints throughout the game and a knowledge of botany.
  • Sarah's enthusiasm for space travel is influenced by her atheist parents who were unable to pursue their beliefs due to a shortage of time.
  • Sarah is a lawful good companion, disliking violence and deceit, making her less ideal for renegade characters. She disapproves of any actions that are remotely bad.

Players will run into Sarah Morgan very early on in their Starfield adventure, and while a lot of people will immediately choose her as their companion to travel alongside them in their intergalactic adventure, there's still a lot about her that many people don't know about. Admittedly, the passionate and charismatic Chair of Constellation will reveal a lot more about herself if the player decides to open up a dialogue with her as frequently as possible, but there's still some hidden information that can be a little harder to obtain, or that's simply very easy to miss entirely.

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This can be a real shame as, on the surface, Sarah can almost seem a little basic or almost bland, but when digging more into her personal life and background, it reveals that she's extremely interesting and layered as a character. Sarah has already proven to be a fan-favorite by Bethesda fans, but for anyone looking to learn a little more about her, these are some bits of information and context that players may have missed out on.

1 Her Relationship With Alcohol

There's A Few Subtle Hints That Sarah Enjoyed Drinking In Her Early Career

Red Harvest whiskey in Starfield

There are a few subtle hints throughout the game that Sarah is quite partial to enjoying an alcoholic beverage now and again, something that seems to have been a tradition since her early career. The first giveaway is the large moonshine still that can be found in her old campsite on Cassiopeia, but another hint is the fact that she has a long and experienced history with botany, which would give her a lot of knowledge on how to produce certain drinks.

There's also an instance on Cydonia where the player can let Sarah talk to bartender Jack concerning Moara's bar tab, something she may feel more comfortable talking about because of her prior experience. Nonetheless, it's a small bit of subtle storytelling that helps to flesh out her character, even though a lot of people don't pick up on it.

2 Her Parents Were Atheists

The Beliefs Of Sarah's Parents Go A Long Way In Explaining Her Enthusiasm For Space Travel

Sarah Morgan's mother

If players spend enough time with Sarah, she will eventually begin to talk more about her friends and family, specifically her mother and father, who she reveals are Enlightened. In the world of Starfield, this means that someone is essentially an Atheist who does not believe in any higher powers, but Sarah then explains that they, unfortunately, couldn't pursue their beliefs due to a shortage of time.

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This simple bit of context reveals so much about Sarah as a character, especially her undying passion for space exploration and finding "Truth" within the universe alongside her buddies in Constellation. Considering just how many companions are thrown the player's way in the first few hours, it's quite easy to skip over this dialogue option entirely, but it goes a long way to make more sense of Sarah's enthusiasm for Constellation's grander mission.

3 She's A Lawful Good Companion

Sarah Is As Straight Edge As A Bethesda Companion Has Ever Been

Sarah Morgan looking at the player

As with all other Bethesda titles, Starfield's companions will respond to the player's actions in different ways, depending on their personality and beliefs. For the majority of the time, these allies will be mostly supportive of kind and positive actions, but will still allow the player to partake in some mischief if they need to. However, Sarah doesn't exactly work this way. Instead, she's entirely straight edge, disliking any form of violence or deceit. Even if the player tries to betray a character to score some supplies or a brand-new ship, Sarah will be completely against this, making her less than ideal for anyone trying to make a renegade character.

For a long while after the game's release, fans were experimenting with different dialogue options and quests to see if there was any crack in the armor, but it's been revealed that she is, by definition, the lawful good archetype who will flat out disapprove of any actions that are even remotely bad. Many players may not realize just how hardline Sarah is about this sort of behavior, but it's good to know when booting up an extra playthrough.

4 She Was A Ship Navigator In The Colony War

Sarah Played A Big Part In One Of The Galaxy's Bloodiest Conflicts

Ship flying around in space in Starfield

The Colony War is one of the most brutal and bloody conflicts in the history of Starfield's universe, but unfortunately, there's not too much given away about the war aside from a few loading screens and some notes found within the game. After the Freestar Collective attempted to colonize the planet of Vesta, the United Colonies pushed back on this, claiming that they had no right to reach this far into a fourth star system.

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As a result, the United Colonies fired back at the Freestar Collective with everything they had, with one of their most praised individuals being none other than Commander Sarah Morgan, who worked as a ship navigator at the time. Sarah's expertise in Astrodynamics provides a small reference to her past days in the UC Navy that some players may have picked up on, but it's still quite surprising that such a calm and collected individual as her was once a fearsome pilot who wasn't afraid to engage in some truly horrific conflicts.

5 She's In Her 40s

Sarah's Age Can Be Revealed By Piecing Together A Few Key Dates

Sarah Morgan in armor

Sarah's exact age has been a topic of discussion ever since Starfield was released since the game doesn't actually give an exact number, and instead, leaves small hints for the player to piece together to try and figure it out for themselves. However, by tracing Sarah's history in the United Colonies, and knowing the dates of the Colony War, it can be deduced that Sarah is roughly in her early 40s.

If the player is close enough to Sarah, she will explain to them that she was 18 years old when she signed up for the administration corps and that she had abandoned the position just a little while before her first year ended to instead join the UC Navy. It's then revealed that her father passed away at the beginning of the Colony War, which itself was in 2308, and considering Starfield takes place in the year 2330, this would make her 40 years old. There could be a little bit of leeway considering that it's not revealed if Sarah was exactly 18 or 19 when the Colony War began, but it's safe to assume that this is her probable age range.

starfield game

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
September 6, 2023
Action , RPG