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While working for Ryujin Industries in Starfield, players will have to infiltrate rival Infinity LTD and sabotage the prototype technology that was stolen from Ryujin. Of course, this is easier said than done. The "Sabotage" mission takes place immediately after "The Key Ingredient." It can be a tricky one, so this guide will walk players through step by step.

Prior to tackling the Sabotage mission for the Ryujin faction, players will want to ensure their stealth and persuasion skills are unlocked to ensure successful navigation through the New Atlantis offices. These skills will be essential during this mission of corporate espionage.

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Starting Sabotage

starfield - sabotage - veena

During the conversation with Masako that completes The Key Ingredient in Starfield, the Sabotage mission will automatically register. Head back to the elevator, go to the Executive Level, and find Dalton in his office. The conversation will reveal that Imogene is innocent and Ularu is most likely the mole.

As the discussion concludes, Dalton will ask the player to head to the conference room just outside his office and sit in on the executive meeting. The meeting will cover the mole and the information that was leaked to Infinity LTD about the newest Ryujin project, the neuroamp. Masako will ask the player to leave the meeting and head to the Research and Development floor and talk to Veena to acquire the neuroamp. After a brief conversation and a quick surgery, players will acquire the implant and unlock the Manipulation skill.

Testing the Neuroamp

starfield - sabotage - dalton

Once the surgery is completed, talk to Veena for a post-op follow-up. Veena will tell the player that DeMarcus is on standby to test the implanted device. After the conversation, exit the operating room, turn right, and head up the stairs to the observation deck. DeMarcus is in the testing room below. Use the newly acquired Manipulation ability to make DeMarcus open and exit the testing area.

To Manipulate a target, open the handheld scanner and use the social function while aiming at the target. After selecting Manipulation from the social options, target a location or item and use the activate button to command the Manipulated person.

Target DeMarcus with the scanner and have him pick up the key on the table behind him. Manipulate DeMarcus to unlock and open the testing area door with the key in hand. DeMarcus and Veena will briefly chat about the test. When they finish speaking to each other, players can join the conversation. After providing an update, players will be asked to return to Masako to let her know the neuroamp is successfully installed.

Masako will be back in her office on the Executive Level, and will present an infiltration plan to sabotage Infinity LTD's neuroamp project. Players can choose two ways to approach the infiltration: either sneaking into the facility using the maintenance entrance, or assuming a fake identity and setting up a meeting with the heads of the company. The first option relies on stealth skills, while the second relies on persuasion After selecting an option, players will return to Dalton in his office. Dalton will confirm Ularu as the mole and provide players with an updated slate. After speaking with Dalton, head to New Atlantis.

Inside Infinity

starfield - sabotage - nina

If players select option A, they will have to sneak into the building through the maintenance access on the roof. If players select option B and set up a meeting with Infinity executives, they can walk through the front door.

In Option B, speak to the receptionist, Dezi Zhang, and inform her of the set appointment. Players will be granted access to the Marketing floor. Speak with Nina Hart and use persuasion or manipulation to convince her to set up an appointment with Lucas Drexler and gain access to his office to run the computer slate.

With option A, use the heating access in Research and Development to sabotage the heating for the building and cause all non-security personnel to leave. This will grant easy access to the upper floors.

starfield - sabotage - vent access

In either option, players will have to sneak into the lower floors to access the R&D department. From the marketing floor, take the employees-only glass staircase.

Half a flight below the marketing floor, look over the left railing of the stairs and jump onto the roof of the offices and labs below. A vent will be available to the right. Open it and jump down into the elevator shaft to access the lower floors. Sneak through the long hallway and behind the guard to the left. Boost up to the metal railing on the left and reenter the vent. Follow the vent to the hatch and drop into the Research and Development labs.

starfield - ssabotage - fayes office

Follow the hall around to the left and climb the half staircase to Dr. Faye's office. Sneak and hide behind her desk to avoid detection by the doctor. Access her computer and upload the slate. As a bonus, players can also hack Dr. Faye's safe beside her computer for some bonus credits and items.

Head out of Dr. Faye's office open the orange door and take the hallway around to the cubicle area where researchers are working on computers. Quickly climb the containers on the right to access the upper floor, ultimately aiming to get through the emergency access door. Players will have to silently cut through the doors, find a distraction, or use manipulation to gain access to the secure lab. Alternatively, players can use the computer terminal in the upstairs section of this area to disable all security protocols and activate all security robots. This will cause the security models to turn on the Infinity employees, causing panic and covering the sound of cutting the access door.

Once the access door is open, drop through the hatch to the left into the secure lab. Immediately after dropping into the lab, turn around and hack the terminal to disable the neuroamp prototype alarm. With the alarm down, sneak past the solitary researcher in the lab, grab the neuroamp, and begin the escape. Players will have to track their steps back through Infinity before they can fast-travel. Head for the roof or back to the marketing floor and exit the Infinity offices.

Once out of Infinity, head back to Ryujin and find Masako in her office. Report to her on the mission progress, and shortly the news will begin reporting on the sabotage, much to Masako's pleasure. After the conversation with Masako, players will complete the Sabotage mission and the Executive Level mission will register.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox.

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