
  • Ryujin Industries aims to dominate various markets, including weapons and coffee, by competing with TerraBrew. However, their own important members still use TerraBrew, raising questions about their confidence in their own products.
  • Joining Ryujin Industries seems easy, as they will hire almost anyone who abides by their rules of secrecy and corporate espionage. The vetting process is not rigorous, and an interview is scheduled for anyone who applies at their red kiosk.
  • With a wide range of subsidiaries, Ryujin Industries holds significant power and influence, allowing them to dominate economic sectors and bribe local authorities. Corruption and political power play a major role in their ability to maintain their position and avoid responsibility for their shady actions.

Megacorporations are no stranger to the sci-fi genre, and it seems they’ve arrived in Starfield. It’s more often than not that such a powerful corporation with such futuristic power like no other, has questionable control over the city they reside in. Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to Starfield’s Ryujin Industries, which holds some evil secrets in the pleasure city of Neon.

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Players might reminisce about a certain Cyberpunk corporation when they look at Ryujin Industries, but hopefully, the corporation isn’t as seedy and evil as Arasaka. Yet, the facts are all here for players to read, and see if they do in fact want to join the ranks of the corporation leaders.

5 Competing With TerraBrew

neon terrabrew

It seems that Ryujin Industries doesn’t like to be left out of any corner of the market. Whether it’s manufacturing weapons or coffee, Ryujin Industries aims to be the leading competitor. Some might not know it, but Ryujin Industries actually owns Tranquilitea, which is aiming to beat out the edge on the coffee and tea market from TerraBrew in the next ten years.

What’s ironic, is the fact that the important members of Ryujin Industries don’t actually drink their own product, and they themselves still use TerraBrew. It begs the question if they are so confident in their product, then why do they still go for the galaxy’s favorite beverage of choice, especially when said beverage is a daily drink for the Adoring Fan?

4 Joining Ryujin Industries

Starfield Neon Ryujin Industries

It seems that Ryujin Industries will hire just about anyone and everyone. Across the Settled Systems, players might be able to find a red kiosk belonging to Ryujin Industries, in which they can apply for an interview. No matter how the player answers, it seems that an interview will always be scheduled for when players visit Ryujin Industries in the city of Neon.

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Even in an in-person interview, Ryujin Industries seems to not care about their hiring, so long as they abide by their rules of secrecy and corporate espionage. The vetting process isn’t exactly the most refined, but players can join Ryujin Industries in Starfield in a fairly easy manner, as long as they are not nervous about interviews and actually show up for it.

3 Powerful Subsidiaries

Starfield One Step Ahead Ryujin Industries Faction Quest Walkthrough Guide

The slogan of Ryujin Industries is an interesting one. “Our products. Your life. One dream.” To dissect their slogan is to see the satire in their corporate greed. Their products seem infinite, and even inside Ryujin Industries’ headquarters on Neon, players will be able to find that they sell clothing, aid, tea, and even Particle Beam weapons. It’s an endless corporate structure that seems to just consume the competition.

With a variety of subsidiaries, it is no surprise that the Freestar Collective allows Ryujin Industries to keep on with its dealings. After all, Ryujin Industries have a hold on multiple economic sectors, where they can lead the competition on weaponry, ships, and drones. Ryujin Industries clearly has the power to provide the tools necessary for defending the galaxy and to stock up for a war.

2 Corruption And Influence

Starfield A New Narrative Walkthrough Ryujin HQ

Ryujin Industries does not like losing. They make that clear through their many business ventures and subsidiaries. However, it goes far deeper than staying on top of the competition. The reason that they have remained on top for so long harks back to the fact that they are a corrupt and powerful organization that allows them to hold a grasp on the Settled Systems due to the products that they provide, and the wealth that they can give to both the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective.

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As perhaps the largest corporation in Starfield, Ryujin Industries demonstrates its wealth through its political power and its influence over the local authorities. Ryujin mainly acts in Freestar Collective systems, and it seems that they are not shy about bribing Freestar Rangers so that their dealings can go unnoticed and uninterrupted. There have been multiple instances when Ryujin Industries have been caught by Benjamin Bayu or the Freestar Collective, only to offer them a warm handshake and a bountiful amount of bribes to continue doing what they do best and avoid any and all responsibility for their shady actions.

1 Project Dominion

Imogen from Ryujin Industries during Starfield's Back to the Grind mission

A well-kept secret in Ryujin Industries is their project which only the highest members of their team know about. In fact, it’s so secret, that those who are not directly involved with the CEO of the company, Masako Imada, have no idea about its existence. Yet, what is Project Dominion?

Project Dominion is the involvement of mind control. No one can really be shocked by this fact, due to the fact that a greedy corporation will stop at nothing to seize all power, even if that means the direct control of their consumers. Project Dominion is a top-secret project, and its ethical concerns will throw morality into a loop on whether to expose it or keep it a secret.

Starfield is out now on PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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