Starfield continues to be one of the most anticipated upcoming games, making that list from numerous outlets and eager fans alike. As more information continues to be released regarding Starfield, the game's expansive scope becomes clearer. With a new release date recently announced for September 6, 2023, excitement abounds despite the release window falling outside Bethesda's regular schedule for previous game releases. However, from the look of things, the delay has seemed to produce a more polished game.

The first new IP from Bethesda Game Studios in 25 years later, Starfield aims to invoke classic RPG elements which will favor player agency as they map their adventure among the stars. Set in the year 2310 and roughly fifty light-years away from Earth in a place called the Settled Systems, players will begin the game as members of Starfield's Constellation faction. This group is one of the last involved with exploring the mysteries of the Milky Way Galaxy. Before long, players and their choices will affect them with warring factions, mercenaries, pirates, and much more.

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Starfield's New Release Date Falls Outside Bethesda's Normal Window


Bethesda released Skyrim on November 11, 2011, and Fallout 4 on November 10, 2015, respectively, establishing that month and date as a standard release window for the studio. Starfield was initially scheduled for release on November 11, 2022, which would have been the 11th anniversary of Skyrim's release. This created a sense of nostalgia and respect for the initially scheduled release, especially with Starfield being the first brand-new IP for Bethesda and marketed as a unique game that has been long in the making.

However, when Starfield was shown at the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase in June 2022, the reception to the gameplay footage was mixed. Many quickly pointed out its similarities to No Man's Sky, as well as frame rate drops, lags, and limited/average combat. Because of this, delaying Starfield until the first half of 2023 made sense to allow more time to polish the game. Moreso, Bethesda announced early in 2023 that a Starfield showcase would be coming soon to highlight the fun further.

With the game now coming September 6, 2023, the date itself seems odd as it falls outside the release window previously established and doesn't seem to line up with any other significant anniversary or reflective elements for previous titles under Bethesda. However, the YouTube video from Bethesda Softworks announcing the new September release date showcases footage from Starfield that seems to indicate the delays were worth the wait.

Starfield’s Delay Appears to Have Produced a More Polished Game

Image of Bethesda's Todd Howard during the Starfield release date announcement.

With Starfield scheduled for September, the promised showcase is now set for June 11, 2023, where players and critics will get a more firsthand experience of what will come with the brand-new IP. Furthermore, visuals from the Bethesda Softworks YouTube announcement trailer show a seemingly more stable game than what was showcased at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase in June 2022.

The video contains shots of Bethesda employees playing and testing the game, with a seemingly smoother FPS, on-foot exploration, gunplay, and combat against an alien creature. Though only a little was seen, it shows exceptional promise and progress. Seeing this new footage, even at a glimpse, is important because it begins to reassure fans about receiving a genuinely polished and smooth-running game.

This is especially important because a lot of eyes are on Starfield. As a new IP with a lot of uncertainty regarding what it is truly about, it needs to hit the ground running with as few negatives as possible, genuinely proving itself. This is even more true as Starfield will launch alongside Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in September. Yet, despite launching alongside an established mega title, if Starfield does prove itself as the game everyone wants, it will solidify its importance for Bethesda and showcase its merit as a household name for gaming.

Starfield launches September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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