E3 2021, the Summer Game Fest, and a variety of other gaming events are coming in June, and one game seems to be an increasing point of focus. Bethesda's Starfield is consistently a topic of speculation and contention in recent weeks, as industry insiders reveal shifting plans for the sci-fi game. As is becoming routine, an insider has now revealed another exciting detail about Starfield. Bethesda apparently plans to reveal a specific release date for Starfield during E3 2021.

Today's revelation comes from Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier, who has delivered substantial information regarding Starfield in the past week. Schreier responded to a claim on Twitter that Bethesda was going to reveal a generic "2022" release window at E3 2022, clarifying it was incorrect. Rather, instead of sharing a release window for Starfield, Bethesda will be specific and will share an exact release date during E3 2021. There will be no ambiguity regarding just how long fans will have to wait.

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The confusion stemmed from a previous tweet shared by Schreier on Thursday. In that tweet, Schreier told his followers that Bethesda was planning to tease a release for Starfield at E3 2021. He then said, "That  date is in *late* 2022." So even though Schreier did say Bethesda would share a  release date, the "late 2022" description led some to believe a release window would be shared instead. That's now said to be incorrect.

It's easy to understand why some Bethesda fans would be predisposed to not believing a specific late 2022 release date for Starfield would be announced. Most video game fans understand that game development can lead to many unexpected adjustments and delays. Announcing a release date so early denies Bethesda flexibility, something everyone in the industry is wary of anymore.

Perhaps Bethesda is just that confident that Starfield will arrive by its rumored late 2022 release date. Perhaps Xbox believes it's just that important for fans to have a specific release date in mind despite the risks. Or perhaps Schreier has incorrect information, though that seems unlikely considering the consistency of his reporting on leaks. It's ultimately just an odd situation and an odd decision.

As for when Xbox and Bethesda fans will find out what's in store for Starfield with certainty, the game all but confirmed for E3 2021. To be more specific, it would be announced during Xbox's E3 2021 keynote event. A date for the event has yet to be announced, but E3 itself starts on June 12 so expect the presentation then or around then.

Starfield is currently in development.

MORE: Starfield Rumors and Leaks Paint a Pretty Picture