A petition which calls for Starfield to become a PlayStation 5 exclusive has garnered more than a few signatures since its creation, but not from supporters. Starfield is presently an Xbox exclusive due to Microsoft's Bethesda purchase, an acquisition completed in 2021.

It is rare for public sentiment of a video game to dramatically improve just a few months before release, but the recent Starfield Direct has seemingly managed to pull it off. The forty-five-minute presentation has been widely hailed as one of the best showcases in history and demonstrated what developers were able to achieve with nearly a year of additional time. Starfield was initially due to be released on November 11, 2022, but then saw an indefinite delay. Many had assumed it would arrive in the first half of this year until the current September release date was announced.

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It has been known for a while that Starfield will not be coming to PlayStation consoles, but that has not prevented one gamer from trying to change course. Created by Benjamin Dickey, a Change.org petition is titled with a bold command - to make Starfield a PS5 exclusive. The first line states, correctly, that Bethesda games have been released on PlayStation "for over a decade." However, the veracity and logic of Benjamin's arguments start to crumble from this point on.

starfield magic

The very next line claims that the aforementioned Bethesda games "perform better... run better, and sell better [on PlayStation]," and then incorrectly spells "Phill" Spencer's name when specifically calling the head of Xbox out for "taking them away." Bethesda has previously apologized to PlayStation fans upset that Starfield will not be available on the platform. The rest dissolves into a collection of ad hominem attacks against Xbox fans and certain YouTubers, for some reason including a few that do not even publish any gaming-related content. Nonetheless, the petition has managed to collect 946 signatures at the time of writing.

If a person offers their signature to a petition on Change.org, they can subsequently leave a comment explaining the reasons for signing. Typically, this would be to show solidarity towards whatever cause is being advocated for but, hilariously, the majority of comments tell the petition's author to "get a life" and mock the absurdity of the demand. It is unclear if the petition is sincere or an elaborate joke, but given that it calls for Starfield to be made a PlayStation exclusive, rather than merely requesting a PlayStation port, certainly makes it seem the latter is more likely.

Starfield releases for PC and Xbox Series X/S on September 6.

MORE: Starfield's Story Has Major Mass Effect Vibes

Source: Change.org