
  • Starfield players are finding unusual items in the game, such as a tape measure in a bathroom, sparking theories about their meaning and purpose. The game is full of in-jokes and references that add depth and humor to the experience.
  • Bathrooms and toilets in particular seem to hold hidden treasures and Easter eggs in Starfield, with players discovering loot and items in these unexpected places. These discoveries encourage players to be observant and explore their surroundings.
  • The humor in Starfield is a major selling point, with dialogues and hidden comedic moments throughout the game. The Easter eggs and pop-culture influences contribute to a more enjoyable and lighthearted experience in an otherwise serious game.

A Starfield player may have found a weirdly out-of-place item in one of the bathrooms. Many players have found themselves posting about their unique experiences, with some sharing the Easter eggs and glitches they have discovered. These situations somewhat result in weird, and sometimes downright just funny, incidents. One example would be when some Starfield crewmates were found lounging outside the ship.

Many in-jokes, inserts, and references can be found within the game. Whether intentional or not, these conveniently placed items sometimes hold a deeper meaning. One Starfield Easter egg was an obscure Lord of the Rings reference. The more players explore the in-game world, the more they wonder which are callbacks, and which are just randomly scattered loot. The expansive locations and game universe hold so many mysteries that one would surely wonder which is useful information. However, one weird find left a Starfield gamer thinking whether their discovery was intentional, and if it meant something more.

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Reddit user devilsnthedetails found nothing but a tape measure inside one Starfield bathroom. While it could possibly be just a glitchy item spawn, the comments section seemed to imply that there was something more than meets the eye. Indeed, it was a very random item to be found there, especially since the user said it was the only thing to be found in said bathroom. Maybe, the player and the comment section had other theories in mind as to why a tape measure would be found on the room floor.


Surprisingly, this wasn't the first time something was found in the bathroom. Another Starfield player found loot inside a toilet. It seems that toilets and bathrooms might hold many hidden treasures and hilarious Easter eggs. Although said player only found med-kits, it was still an unusual place to find such an item. While no logical explanation can be found for these incidents, it does encourage gamers to really be observant of their surroundings.

Admittedly, a lot of the finds are mostly funny in nature. Many claim that Starfield's humor is one of its selling points. The game creates an environment that is realistic, yet can also be very comedic in nature. Dialogues are mostly the source of laughs in the game, but all the little detailed secrets, inserts, and situations help imply comedy. While the game is still rooted in seriousness, the Easter eggs do help make the game a little more enjoyable for those looking to lighten the mood, or just downright like the pop-culture influences.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Starfield: All Player Homes

Source: Reddit