
  • Starfield fans have been showcasing their creativity through impressive projects, with one fan creating an elaborate domino course using the game's physics engine.
  • The game's large-scale space setting allows for a variety of environments and physics interactions, leading to surprising and wild experiences for players.
  • While some may see it as a waste of food, using snacks as physics props is preferred by many Starfield fans due to their negligible health points and heavy weight. The game offers numerous features for fans to express their creativity and experiment with.

Fans of Starfield have shown off many creative masterpieces, from spaceships to outpost builds, since the game was released, but one fan has revealed a more unexpected project involving an amazing domino course made possible thanks to the game's impressive physics engine. This isn't the first time players have demonstrated the capabilities of Starfield's physics either, with a surprising number of fans setting up strange experiments across various locations in the game in order to observe how the game simulates prop physics.

Starfield's space setting affords the game's world a significantly larger scale compared to those seen in Bethesda's previous titles, and most of Starfield's many planets feature their own environments to explore. From low-gravity moons to harsh radioactive wastelands, players will undoubtedly find themselves in plenty of different locations while they explore the game's seemingly endless universe. Many fans have already pointed out some neat physics interactions thanks to Starfield's simulation of gravity, and some of the galaxy's strangest locations are sure to lead players to even wilder surprises.

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One intricate detail of the game that has been particularly impressive to players is how well Starfield handles the physics of entities and items. Starfield certainly offers plenty of opportunity to mess around with things, as was recently proven by a member of the community known as Muaxh03 on Reddit who recently shared a clip of them creating an elaborate domino course. This impressive project took around 2 hours to perfect according to its creator, and involved the careful placement of some books, a ball, and a whole lot of sandwiches. The video shows how all these props come together, with the ball rolling down the steps to the Lodge's basement and knocking down the series of sandwiches like dominoes.

It might seem like an egregious waste of food, but many Starfield fans actually agree that snacks like these are better off used as physics props. While there's no end of food products to go around in Starfield, many players have pointed out that the health points they provide are often pretty much negligible, meaning that a lot of food just ends up being dead weight to carry.

Still, the world of Starfield is full of surprises both big and small to come across, and fans have found plenty of similar tricks to toy around with. While Starfield's extensive ship customization and base-building mechanics seem to provide popular ways for fans to express their creativity, less obvious features such as the game's character creation possibilities and physics interactions present some fun gimmicks to experiment with as well.

Starfield is available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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