
  • Starfield's ship builder allows for incredible versatility, as players have been able to recreate various unique spacecraft designs, including in-game recreations of classic cars and Pokemon-inspired vessels.
  • Reddit user AdFinancial9824 recreated his daughter's LEGO ship in Starfield, using a repossessed Va'ruun ship as the foundation. Although unable to rename the spacecraft, AdFinancial9824's daughter was thrilled with the end result.
  • The impressive LEGO-inspired creation, named The Jade, gained attention on social media and was commended for its wholesome concept and engineering skills. With Starfield's growing player base, more inventive community creations are expected to emerge online.

One inventive Starfield player decided to recreate his daughter's LEGO spaceship in Bethesda's latest game. The resulting spacecraft later made the rounds on social media, serving as yet another example underlining the sheer versatility of Starfield's ship builder.

Bethesda's space-faring RPG has been ushering in a massive influx of incredibly inventive ship designs since its early September debut. The game's fans with a propensity for engineering have so far managed to put together flying Starfield mechs, in-game recreations of classic cars, and Pokemon-inspired vessels, among many other types of unique spacecraft.

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Continuing that trend, Reddit user AdFinancial9824 recently went through the effort of recreating his daughter's LEGO ship in Starfield. The player used a repossessed Va'ruun ship as the foundation for building this original vessel, with his engineering endeavor yielding something remarkably similar to the plastic brick creation put together by his kid. Reflecting on this achievement, the player revealed that he dubbed the spacecraft The Jade, after his daughter's middle name. On that note, the player was disappointed to learn that he wasn't actually able to rename this Starfield ship, with the game apparently insisting on its original name.

While some past player reports complained about similar issues, indicating that the ship renaming system might be bugged, a number of in-game vessels appear to be intentionally locked into their original monikers. Most Va'ruun spacecraft encountered throughout the RPG fall into that category, as do certain unique ships like the Chunks To Go carrier that can be found and hijacked in the Bessel star system. But even without the ability to actually name this custom spacecraft after his daughter, AdFinancial9824 suggested that his kid was thrilled with the end result, having praised Starfield for helping him level up his "dad skills."

Jade wasn't the only person impressed with The Jade, as hundreds of fans voted to send the screenshot of this unique vessel to the front page of the r/Starfield subreddit earlier this week, commending its creator for both the wholesome concept and the engineering skills that went into this LEGO-inspired creation. Several people chiming in on the resulting discussion revealed they did something similar with their children by helping them design their own Starfield ships.

Bethesda recently revealed that Starfield hit ten million players within two weeks of releasing, thus becoming the biggest launch in the company's history. In light of that fast-growing player base, there's no doubt that many more inventive community creations of this sort will continue emerging online in the foreseeable future.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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