
  • Starfield allows players to have fun interactions with NPCs, including eavesdropping on conversations and pulling their hair. Players can even pickpocket random NPCs and steal items from their desks or rooms.
  • One player spent 180 hours collecting succulents in the game, resulting in a room full of potted plants. The physics engine and modern hardware showcase the impressive visuals, although the video can be laggy at times.
  • Other players also mentioned collecting items like coffee bags and stuffed animals, while some like to steal and collect toilet paper from NPCs.

A dedicated Starfield player posted a video of what it looks like to spend 180 hours in the game collecting succulents. Starfield is a game that gives its players the freedom to do almost anything they want in its expansive universe. Some people spend their time fighting epic battles in space, while others spend hours collecting resources, scanning planets, and messing with NPCs.

Just like other games from Bethesda, Starfield allows players to pick on NPCs and have other fun interactions with them. This includes eavesdropping on their conversations, manipulating them with certain powers and perks in the game, or even pulling their hair, thanks to the game’s physics system. Players can even pickpocket random NPCs in Starfield after they unlock the Theft Skill in the game. Another way that players can mess with NPCs is by stealing the stuff on their desks or in their rooms. Notepads, glass vials, cutlery, and other miscellaneous items can be found in Starfield‘s universe, and players can pocket whatever they want and store it on their ships.

Dedicated Starfield Player Fully Surveys Every Planet Possible in the Game

A Starfield player claims to have surveyed every single planet currently possible in Bethesda's newest game and shares the details on social media.

One Reddit user named BigBootyTom posted a video on the Starfield subreddit of all the succulents they’ve either stolen from NPCs or found randomly while world-traveling. The entire collection took 180 hours to complete, and the end result is hilarious. The clip starts off with the player climbing down into the cargo bay of their ship and landing in a room full of succulents. The entire area is full of the small, potted plants, making it difficult to just walk around. The player then uses the Anti-Gravity Field power to make the succulents float in the air before swimming through them once more. The tiny plants all crash to the floor right when Andreja climbs down the latter, who scolds the player for using their powers inside the ship.

The clip itself is funny, but it also shows off how impressive the physics engine in the game can be, as well as the power of modern hardware. The video does get a little bit laggy at times, but that is to be expected with so many items on screen. In fact, having this many items on the screen at once is why Starfield is locked at 30 frames per second on Xbox Series X/S, as a higher frame would most likely break the game in these situations.

In the comments, other Starfield players mentioned other items they like to collect, like commenter crackeddryice, who does something similar in the video but with coffee bags, and kamots22, who prefers to collect stuffed animals. Many people in the comments also mentioned that they like to steal and collect toilet paper from NPCs.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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