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In Starfield, the members of Constellation work on expanding the capabilities of The Eye after the events of mission 9. Yet, Vladimir has a mission ready to go for the player, thus allowing players to embark on the 10th main quest in Starfield, one that sees them embark on a space heist.

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Without spoiling too much, it’s probably a good idea to create a save file before starting this mission, as a pre-warning. If players are ready to go forward and enjoy what awaits them, then head back to the orbit over New Atlantis to find Vladimir awaiting the player and their crew onboard The Eye.

Talk to Vladimir

vladimir on the eye

The first step of this mission is to talk to Vladimir, who will still be on The Eye from the previous mission. Joined by him, are three companions that are helping him to fix up the ship. These three companions are the characters that players have the most relationship bond with. Vladimir will say that he needs these characters, and will give players the companion whom players have the least relationship with. In this case, it was Barrett.

The fact that players are leaving behind their favorite companion, and are being joined by the companion that they have the least chemistry with (so far) will be important going forward. For this guide, Barrett joins the player on their quest to steal the Artifact from Captain Petrov, the owner of a salvager vessel called the Scow, but this could be a different crew member per player.

Board The Scow

star eagle ship using hail on the scow ship

In the Procyon A System, players will find the Scow orbiting Procyon 5-B, the moon to Procyon 5. Players have two options here: they can hail the Scow to try and persuade the captain to let them on board, disguised as an interested party to buy something, or, they can just start attacking the ship and destroy the engines, boarding it like a pirate would.

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It’s best to persuade the ship to let players dock and board, as this is a peaceful option. Attacking the ship will result in a space battle, and all the NPCs inside the ship will now be hostile when players attempt to board the ship. Players can in fact let their companion speak for them, but this doesn’t result in much success.

Find Captain Petrov

captain petrov and his crew

Now that players have docked their ship onto the Scow, they can board, where they will be met with an unfriendly face. Tao Xun will question the player, but regardless of the player’s dialogue options, Tao will just let the player go, and tell them where they can find Captain Petrov. Heading upstairs to the left, players will find the sprawling throne room, filled with all sorts of scavenged goods and trinkets from across the galaxy. In the center, they will see Petrov on his throne.

Petrov is a man who loves flattery, but even flattery won’t win this battle of words. Players need access to the vault, and it can be done in four different ways:

  • Option 1: Persuade Petrov, either through the cunning words of the player, or the silver tongue of the companion. The companion is the safest bet, as in this case with Barrett, he managed to convince Petrov as easily as clicking a finger, allowing no hostilities, and ease of access to the vault.
  • Option 2: Attack Petrov, causing him and his crew to turn hostile. Players will have to fight their way to the vault after taking Petrov’s key, and then fight their way off the ship. It’s not terribly effective.
  • Option 3: Pickpocket the key. This only works if players have the pickpocket perk, and even still, it’s a risky choice to make unless players utilize the save functions of Starfield. This stealthy approach still requires some level of skill, as being caught will turn everyone hostile.
  • Option 4: Break into the vault. Players can find the vault area and destroy the safety pins on the red emergency walls to break into the vault, this is also another hostile way of doing it.

With these four options, it’s best to stick to option 1 for the safest and cleanest way forward. Option 1 is the best way to proceed through this quest, as it makes no enemies moving forward, and the lack of killing really helps the conscience stay clear. Although, there may still be some level of thievery at work that has yet to come to pass in this main mission. Option 1 also allows players to converse with, and receive a tour by Captain Petrov, who is a fairly charismatic character, and a memorable voice to those who enjoyed Belethor and other characters in Skyrim.

Steal The Artifact

captain petrov surrendering after being shot

There is no way to barter for the Artifact or take it safely. Players will be forced to steal it. Taking it will make enemies hostile, but players can actually challenge Petrov for it by shooting him until he surrenders. This is the safest way to do things, as with his surrender, all members of his crew will stand down and surrender, allowing players to freely steal anything without consequences.

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Once the Artifact has been taken, players will receive a 500 Credit bounty on their heads, making them wanted criminals in the UC systems. It’s important to keep this in mind, as being scanned by UC ships will show them that the player is a criminal who needs to surrender, or die.

(Optional) Loot Petrov’s Ship

secret office in petrov's ship

Once the Artifact has been stolen, players can proceed back through the way they came to the vault. After taking the first set of stairs, players will want to head left and then left again, following through a corridor filled with filth and junk until they find a red door that players can smash down with a weapon thanks to the breakable bars. Doing so will unlock a secret objective to ‘Find the wall behind the vault’.

This is supposed to be for the players that want to stealth their way into the vault or break in without a key. Regardless, proceed through this area to find a chest with some gear and Credits. It’s also worth noting that the Scow Guards will not become hostile unless they are attacked, so players are free to run around the ship and take everything they want, as it doesn’t count as stealing at this point.

Exploring Petrov’s throne room, and entering to the left, players can find a secret office. Inside, players will find a Contraband Cache, that is sadly locked unless players can Lockpick at the Expert level. However, players do not have to leave empty-handed, as there is also Gallow’s Reach, a unique Rifle framed and ready for new hands to wield it. Further exploring the ship, players can find Petrov’s zoo, which is filled with all sorts of strange and dangerous alien creatures. Players can release them with a computer terminal if they feel like causing some needless mayhem.

When players have looted everything that they want, they can make their way back to their ship and embark on the voyage home.

Return To The Lodge

the constellation's lodge artifact collection

It’s best to warn players that due to their escapades on Petrov’s ship, they would have been reported to the United Colonies. This means that they will have a bounty on their head, and their ship is marked. Before undocking from Petrov’s ship, it’s a good idea to stash any contraband and stolen items with followers, as trading gear with them will allow players to keep it. Otherwise, stolen goods left on the ship or on the player’s person will result in it being confiscated. Stolen items can be retrieved from the UC facility the player was placed in, but it requires the Expert Lockpick skill, so hide all stolen gear, proceed to the Jemison system, and prepare to pay the bounty, or be fired upon.

Alternatively, players can just fast-travel directly to The Lodge and avoid the UC, but they will find the player eventually. If players haven’t yet picked up the Crimson Fleet mission, then this is the perfect opportunity to do so by getting caught by the UC and embarking on this act of espionage and double agent mastery.

In regards to the Lodge, it's vitally important for players to know that by returning to the Lodge and placing the Artifact with the other pieces, they will be locked into starting and completing the next mission. The next mission is pretty intensive and distressing, so be warned going into the Lodge may trigger this next mission and its inescapable consequences. So, when players are ready, it’s time to Head to the Lodge, place the Artifact with the collection, and immediately begin the next mission, which remains inescapable. Due to this fact, it could be wise to save before completing this mission, or, prepare for what happens next.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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