
  • Pets like dogs and cats are not included in Starfield, and there is evidence suggesting that their absence may be due to their extinction in the game's lore.
  • Adding interactive pets to video games can create an emotional connection and generate viral social media attention, which is why many developers include them.
  • Despite concept art featuring pets, Bethesda may have decided to allocate its resources elsewhere in the development of Starfield, leading to the absence of pets and possibly their extinction in the game's lore.

Pets like dogs and cats do not appear to be a part of Starfield despite early evidence of their inclusion. Further, there's evidence that Bethesda may have gone a step further and provided an in-game explanation for the lack of pets in Starfield – their extinction. The often viral popularity of pets in games has led to developers across the industry adding dogs and cats to their games. Bethesda may have decided to place its resources in other areas for Starfield.

It really can't be understated how impactful the addition of a dog or cat to a video game can be. People like animals, and interacting with them in video games is a quick way to create an emotional connection. But the bigger reason for adding an interactive dog or cat to a game is because of its potential to go viral on social media. For example, the Can You Pet the Dog? Twitter account has over 500,000 followers and has worked directly with game developers to share clips in the past. It's an excellent way to draw attention to a game.

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It's no surprise then that with Starfield out in early access, the Can You Pet the Dog? Twitter account has already made a post about the new game. The bad news is, however, that it seems Starfield has no dogs or other pets. The account shares a piece of Starfield concept art that shows a pet cat, but says despite that, "pets do not appear to be present in the full game."

What's especially interesting is the discovery of some in-game Starfield lore that might explain the absence of pets. A screenshot of a tin can labeled "Chocolate Labs" explains that it contains chocolates in the shape of Labrador Retrievers. It goes on to say that this species of canine is extinct.

Starfield is set in the year 2330, over 300 years in the future. Technology has moved forward rapidly and humanity has built colonies across the galaxy. The spread of humanity into space is a consequence of Earth being turned into a barren wasteland. Mass extinction has occurred, and it seems dogs and cats could be included in that.

The question is whether Bethesda actually planned to include pets in Starfield. The concept art indicates it did, so perhaps Bethesda decided it would be too much work and shifted direction. It's also possible the concept art took liberties, showing a pet Bethesda never planned to add to Starfield. Either way, Bethesda's decision is now clear. Not only are there no pets, but they may all be extinct.

Starfield releases September 6 on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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