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Players can find plenty of side missions and people who need help when they first visit Neon in Starfield. One such individual is Tevin Anastas, the proprietor of a shop called the Emporium. The Emporium is a high-end shop full of exotic curios and trinkets, but Tevin's current woes come from a thug who's been trying to shake him down.

Players can start this Starfield mission by overhearing a guard talk about Tevin's troubles, which adds a new objective to the Activities log. Another way to start the mission is to simply walk into the Emporium and ask Tevin about the hostile way he greets players during the first encounter. Either way, he'll soon mention the name of his bully: Headlock.

RELATED: Starfield: Where Is Neon?

Where to Find Frankie's Grab 'N Go

Starfield Mob Frankies

Once players offer to take care of Headlock, Tevin will mention that he and his fellow gang members the Seokguh hang out near a shop called Frankie's Grab 'N Go. Frankie's is a general store, and it's in the Ebbside region of Neon. Players must reach it by passing through one of several doors on the north and south side of Neon's main strip.

Players must then speak to Frankie, who turns out to be just as suspicious of the player as Tevin and for the same reason. However, she initially pretends not to know who Headlock is. To get her to talk, players must either pay her 500 credits or pass a four-step Persuasion. If players fail, they can still pay her the credits for the information. Frankie will then ask the player not to kill Headlock, but her behavior doesn't change based on how this mission ends.

Where to Find Headlock

Starfield Mob Headlock

Headlock and his Seokguh friends are in Warehouse 04. To get inside, players must find an unmarked door near the northeast corner of the Neon platform. The warehouse is empty if players head there first, because speaking to Frankie is what causes them to spawn in.

Headlock has three other Seokguh Syndicate members in the warehouse with him, and all of them wander around randomly. To deal with Headlock, players have two options: either Persuade Headlock with another four-step check, or attack him. If the Persuasion fails, fighting becomes the only option. Headlock's Syndicate friends will attack at the same time, but they only pose a threat if players attempt this mission before level five or so. Players can then loot the warehouse, but everything inside counts as stolen goods.

Once players get Headlock to back off (however it happens), go back to Tevin to give him the good news. He'll complete the mission by giving players a small amount of credits and 100 XP.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Starfield's Neon City Pays Tribute to Both Retro and Cyberpunk Aesthetics