
  • Bethesda's upcoming game Starfield has fans speculating about what happened to Earth in its sci-fi setting, as the timeline released by the developer lacks information about the planet's fate.
  • Some fans believe Earth may have been abandoned or destroyed in the game's story, as its absence in important events suggests it no longer exists or is uninhabited.
  • If Bethesda chooses to make an uninhabited Earth part of Starfield's backstory, it would align with the trend in classic sci-fi stories and could fit with the game's tone and themes.

Bethesda has just revealed new information about the lore timeline for Starfield, and fans are now guessing what happened to the Earth. The highly anticipated sci-fi action RPG is set to launch on September 6, and gamers are eager for information about what to expect. Starfield is the first new franchise for Bethesda, the developer known for The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, in over two decades. What it will do with a new setting and lore has been a source of much speculation since it was announced.

Fans have had some burning questions about Starfield answered previously, but many other things remain a mystery. Some of these mysteries involve the plot of the game and its various characters. Others involve the backstory and larger setting and mythology. Recently, Bethesda revealed a historical timeline that covers some important events leading up to Starfield's plot. This new reveal, however, may have raised more questions than answers.

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The timeline released by Bethesda begins in 2050 with humans first traveling to Mars and continues to the start of the game in 2330. Its lack of detailed information about the fate of Earth or its involvement in events has many fans asking what happened to the planet in the setting. On a Reddit thread about the new timeline, many gamers are noting the absence of information on Earth and debating just what it could mean for the story.

Starfield's setting is complex and deep, with lots of factions, political conflicts, and even wars. The fact that the Earth and its governments don't seem to play a role in any of these things has some fans arguing that Earth must be been abandoned at some point in the story. Their logic is that the only way Earth wouldn't play a role in important events is if it no longer exists or was uninhabited. Some think that, in the game, Earth will be deserted because of war or natural disaster, while others suggest it could be left a mystery. There is also speculation that, whatever the reason, Bethesda chose to make Earth desolate or destroyed to avoid having to put a massively populated planet in the game.

If Bethesda does make an uninhabited Earth a part of Starfield's backstory, it will certainly be in good company. Plenty of classic sci-fi stories have included this element in their lore. Earth being destroyed is among the bits of lore about the Firefly universe that many don't know, and this trope has also made an appearance in movies like Wall-E and Titan A.E. Such a fate for the planet would make sense and fit within the tone and themes of Starfield.

Some have argued that Starfield represents a new start for Bethesda, and the developer is working hard to make it count. The complex and detailed lore speaks to its commitment to the game's story, and the tantalizing details left out have fans excited to learn more. Whether the game will live up to the hype remains to be seen, but it certainly has players talking.

Starfield releases on September 6 on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Bethesda