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Particle Beam weapons are a part of the joy of Starfield for the players who can get their hands on one. They’re part of the arsenal that the players can develop for their ships and their hands, increasing their firepower to great success. Particle Beams are some of the best weapons in Starfield due to the fact that they combine the effects of Physical and Energy damage into one.

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However, it’s not the easiest thing in the galaxy to find a Particle Beam weapon, but there are a few things to look for, as well as a few things that can increase the overall strength and effectiveness of the Particle Beam weapons that players will want to get their hands on to further their conquest of the galaxy in Starfield.

Where To Get Particle Beam Weapons

particle beam shotgun purchased from vendor

There are two different kinds of Particle Beam weapons in Starfield. The first can be attached to ships. Particle Beam weapons on ships are perhaps the best choice for the strongest ship in Starfield. This is due to the fact that they can dish out Physical and Energy damage at the same time, damaging both the hull and the shields to a great degree. However, finding these Particle Beam weapons may be challenging, especially when players have to go to a Ship Technician and navigate through the Ship Builder to find Particle Beam weapons in the Weapons category.

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The second form of Particle Beam weapons comes in the form of handheld guns that players can equip. These can range from rifles to pistols, and shotguns. With a wide variety of weapons in Starfield, players might not always find the gun they want, but there are a few ways to do so. Firstly, players can just loot everyone in sight in the hopes that one of their enemies that was once shooting at them, and is now dead on the floor, was using a Particle Beam weapon. Yet, the best option is to simply visit vendors, especially those that sell and specialize in weaponry, as it’s more likely that they will have a Particle Beam weapon in their inventory, as well as the required ammo.

For the ammo, players need to look for Heavy Particle Fuses and Light Particle Fuses. This ammo type isn’t that expensive and is a pretty common purchase to find at vendors, so it won’t be in short supply like the other Particle Beam weaponry. Nevertheless, players can seek out these vendors to enjoy some Particle Beam weapons, as well as some unique weapons in Starfield.

Increase Particle Beam Power


If players have found themselves using a Particle Beam weapon, and they find themselves underwhelmed by the stats of the weapon and how much damage it can provide them to their enemies, then they are going to want to know how to upgrade Particle Beam power in Starfield. This can be done in a few ways, but all of them involve the requirement for them to look for the best skills in Starfield.

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Skills can be acquired per level up in the game, so players are going to want to get stacks of XP if they are going to continue leveling up. Each Perk also has a tier system, so if players want to unlock the next Rank, they are going to have to complete the specified challenge listed on the skill that players are trying to unlock. This is easy to navigate, but players need to remember a vital component of this system: there is no way to reverse spending a skill point at the release of Starfield, and players might be stuck with their mistake for a while. Nevertheless, it’s time to look at the best Starfield skills for Particle Beam weapons:

Particle Beam Weapon Systems

particle beam weapons system

This skill in the Tech tree will utilize particle beam weapons for ships, providing them with 10% more damage capabilities, and a reduction in their cost by 10%. This is great for those that enjoy space combat or want to make it easier. If players get this perk to Rank 2, then this effect will increase by 20%, with Rank 3 increasing it to a whopping 30%. Rank 4 will increase the critical hit chance with Particle Beams fired from ships, but it’s not essential. Remember, this is only for the ship’s Particle Beams, and not the player’s guns.

Particle Beams

particle beams skill

Found in the Combat tree, the Particle Beams perk will increase the Particle Beam weapons' damage by 10%, the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the exotic damage balance of Energy and Physical damage weapons. Rank 2 provides players with 20% bonus damage, with Rank 3 granting 30%. Rank 4 is an outlier, as it will give a 5% crit chance to Particle Beam weapons. This is for handheld guns that use Particle Beam ammo.

Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun Certification

rifle certification skill

Depending on the player’s preference for the Particle Beam weapon, one of the gun types Certification skills in the Combat section could be of use to the player. These will all increase the damage to the player by 10% per Rank, so if players like using a Particle Beam rifle, they will want Rifle Certification, and the same goes for Shotguns or Pistols.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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