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Whether or not a game is played from a first or third-person perspective can make a huge difference, with the former typically making the experience much more immersive and the latter allowing players to take in more of their surroundings. However, these days, players needn't always choose between one or the other.

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Starfield is just one of a growing number of games that allow players to change perspective. It's not the first Bethesda game to offer this functionality, nor will it be the last, but it will likely be seen as a welcome inclusion by many players nonetheless. It's an incredibly simple one too, with players able to change perspective in Starfield with a single button press.

How to Change Perspective in Starfield

To change perspective in Starfield, players simply need to push the View (Xbox) or Mouse 3 (PC) button. Doing so while on foot will allow players to cycle between three different perspectives. In addition to first-person, which serves as the default, players will also be able to use a third-person over-the-shoulder point of view or a more traditional third-person perspective that shows the playable character's full body.

On most mice, the Mouse 3 button is the scroll wheel button.

Pushing the View (Xbox) or Mouse 3 (PC) button while piloting a spaceship will again provide players with a choice of different perspectives, although this time there are only two. In addition to a first-person cockpit view, players will also be able to select a third-person perspective which places the camera just behind the ship. Whether on foot or piloting a ship, changing perspectives in Starfield is instantaneous, so players can jump between them as needed.

Is Starfield Better in First-Person or Third-Person?


Most players will probably prefer playing Starfield from a first-person perspective due to how much more immersive this can make the game feel. However, there are some advantages to using a third-person perspective, most notably, being able to easily tell if the playable character is wearing a helmet. This can be incredibly helpful, as players will be switching between locations with breathable and non-breathable atmospheres on a regular basis.


Players can get around this by simply leaving their helmets on permanently, but this is far from ideal. As well as NPCs constantly telling them that they don't need to be wearing it, they'll also find that over-exerting themselves while wearing a helmet can lead to CO2 build-up and eventual health loss. The Fitness skill can help in this regard, but nowhere near as much as simply unequipping the helmet.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.