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Factions form the backbone of the Settled Systems in Starfield. Each group has a distinct style and theme that players can feel all the way down to how its individual members talk. There are perks to joining a faction, and it's up to the player to figure out which one they want to align themselves with.

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There's a lot to see in Starfield, and a good chunk of the game's most interesting quests are related to its major factions. Anyone who wants to experience everything the game has to offer will have no choice but to sign up for all of them over their playthroughs. Here's a list of all the big players in the Settled Systems to help new explorers get started.

How Many Factions Can You Join in Starfield?

The MAST district in Starfield

As per usual, players can join multiple factions at once, though teaming up with pirates and the police force sent to arrest them may not be completely on the table. All in all, there are a total of five major factions in the game, and they all have unique stories to tell.

The United Colonies

Canonically, the UC was born from the nations that survived the collapse of Earth. It's a collection of various republics found throughout the Settled Systems, all of which are unified under one flag and a single governing body. Its home planet is Jemison, located in Alpha Centauri.

Players can join the United Colonies by signing up for the Vanguard, one of the faction's military branches that's mainly composed of volunteers who want to earn UC citizenship.

The Freestar Collective

This faction is made up of rebels and freedom lovers who separated from the UC and its bureaucratic clutches. As a whole, the Freestar Collective gives off a Wild West-esque space frontier vibe with its backwater settlements and high-caliber ballistic weapons. The faction's capital city of Akila can be found on the planet with the same name in the Cheyenne System.

Players can become a member of the Freestar Collective's Rangers after completing the Deputized quest.

Ryujin Industries

While technically a part of the Freestar Collective, Ryujin Industries operates in the pleasure city of Neon as a futuristic tech corporation. It's powerful enough to have a strong influence over the city's politics and the Freestar Collective as a whole, making it one of the major players in the Settled Systems.

Ryujin Industries is always looking for more personnel, and players can apply for a position by interacting with one of the job kiosks on New Atlantis or heading straight to Neon in Volii Alpha.

Crimson Fleet

Thief, smuggler, killer — these are the usual words that describe the common Crimson Fleet member. The pirates that attack players in the intro sequence are part of a much bigger network of criminals who all fly under one flag with the sole purpose of getting rich through any means necessary.

Joining the Crimson Fleet is part of a much broader quest line, and it's best experienced naturally. To begin this quest chain, start by committing a crime in UC territory.


Though players don't have much of a choice when it comes to joining Constellation, it's still worth mentioning this group of explorers as one of Starfield's major factions. Previous members of this exclusive organization were responsible for charting the Settled Systems, paving the way for further colonization into the great beyond.

Now, Constellation is diving into a greater mystery of the universe — one that may yield more questions than answers. Gather the artifacts, visit the scanner anomalies, and delve deeper into the unknown.

House Va'ruun is also one of the main three factions in the Settled Systems, but players are unable to join it even with the Serpent's Embrace trait.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.