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In Starfield, players will get to explore hundreds of different planets in-game, and while doing so they will come across tons of useful loot. Enemies carry all sorts of weapons and suits, there are dozens of healing items and foods, and there are throwable objects like grenades that will help gamers in tight situations.

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Before they even realize it, players will have reached their maximum carrying capacity and have all kinds of helpful items on them. Since it can be difficult to sort out which items gamers prefer, this guide will show players how they can class items as favorites and create their own custom item wheels in Starfield.

How To Assign Items to Favorites

inventory all categories

Players shouldn't have too much of a hard time assigning items to favorites in Starfield. It just might be hard to locate them at first since it's likely that they'll have to find them among dozens of other resources.

First gamers must open their inventory, and they can do this by pausing the game and selecting the Inventory tab in the lower right corner of the screen. There are eleven different categories, and fans can assign favorite items from most of them. However, players won't be able to select favorites from Notes, Ammo, Resources, or Misc.

Players can find items they recently picked up in the New Items category - this might make it easier to locate them.

To assign a favorite, gamers only have to choose their desired item and select the "favorite" option. Players can only have a maximum of 12 favorite items in Starfield.

How to Create a Custom Item Wheel

assigning berserker eon to item wheel

Once players have selected an item that they'd like to favorite, they will have to assign it to a slot on the item wheel. The quick slot menu will appear immediately on the screen as soon as players choose the "favorite" option.

The item wheel has four separate sections: up, down, left, and right. Each section has three free slots at first, and players can assign whichever items they'd like to each slot.

The item wheel is an extremely useful feature as players can quickly access the item wheel in-game by using the D-pad on Xbox or their bound number keys on the PC version of Starfield.

Although there is no right way to fill the item wheel, it's wise to designate each item type to a specific section; this makes it much easier to navigate through the wheel and choose weapons or healing items when the player finds themselves in a tight situation.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.