Starfield represents something different from Bethesda, a studio typically associated with the Elder Scrolls and more recent entries in the Fallout series, so it's understandable that many are excited about this new IP. As one of the most anticipated games of 2023, fans are curious to know how the Skyrim studio will handle an open-galaxy sci-fi game. Unfortunately, there's been no exact date given for its release, but some think they may have come across a potential clue about the game's launch day.

According to a recent report from PC Gamer, some people in the Starfield community have been theorizing about specifically when they'll be able to get their hands on it. Based on a serial number from one of the game's ships, it's been suggested that Starfield could release on March 23 of next year. The reasoning behind this has to do with a reference to the Wright brothers and the patent for their "flying machine," which goes way back to the turn of the last century.

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In a nutshell, when Bethesda released the first official Starfield trailer last month, it was noted that the number on the side of a spaceship read "SV 821 393." The number itself is presumed to be a reference to the Wright brothers' patent, which is patent number 821,393. Following on from that, others have keenly mentioned that this first airplane's patent was granted on May 22, 1906, but was initially filed on March 23, 1903. Hence, some feel that March 23 is when the game will release. It sounds tenuous, but Todd Howard has gone on record saying that he likes "visually" pleasing dates, and 3-23-23 does seem to fit that aesthetic ideal. Not to mention the fact that it marks the 120th anniversary of the patent being filed.

Of course, it goes without saying that this is just speculation. Neither the studio, its parent company, or anyone else officially associated with the game has confirmed this alleged release date. Initially, the game was supposed to be out this November 11, but Bethesda delayed the release of Starfield and Redfall, citing a desire to make sure each project would meet quality expectations.

With The Elder Scrolls 6 supposedly in pre-production and Howard now confirming Fallout 5, fans can expect some exciting things from Bethesda. However, it's likely that gamers will be waiting a very long time for these two games to be released. It's already been more than a decade since Skyrim came out, and with the developer currently putting focus on marketing and finalizing its upcoming sci-fi title, the other two games may not be getting much mention until after Starfield releases.

Starfield is scheduled to release in 2023 on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: PC Gamer, Reddit