
  • Starfield may not have reached the heights of Bethesda's other IPs, but there is still potential for improvement with upcoming DLC.
  • The game's universe currently feels empty, lacking in life and interaction, similar to Fallout 76 before NPCs were added.
  • Adding intelligent aliens could bring exciting discoveries and make Starfield's universe feel more lively and engaging for players.

Starfield has yet to live up to its full potential, but it could copy one of Fallout 76's moves to make remarkable progress. Starfield already has a DLC planned, so there is potential for some of its issues to be addressed in a timely fashion. However, the developers should be on the lookout for more ways to improve the game regardless. Starfield may not have reached the same heights as Bethesda's other big IPs, but that's no reason to give up on it just yet. There are still a few tricks that could give the game a major boost.

Despite a strong start with Starfield breaking Bethesda records at launch, the game has not become the same sort of sensation that The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are. While the mechanics are solid, the game's story and characters have received less acclaim. That's not the end for the game, of course. After all, Cyberpunk 2077 got off to a rocky start and experienced a revival following several updates. Considering Bethesda's reputation, it's unlikely that Starfield won't be seeing some significant updates in the future to address its issues. In particular, there are a few ideas that could easily assist with many of Starfield's shortcomings.

Starfield's 'VATS' Shows Fallout 5 Can Do Without it

VATS is a staple mechanic of the Fallout games, but Starfield could hint at a potential replacement that Fallout 5 could make use of.

Starfield's Universe Needs To Be a Little Less Lonely

Starfield's Universe Feels Smaller Than It Should

Even though players have the option to visit countless planets in Starfield, there is an unfortunate lack of life in the galaxy. Granted, major hubs such as New Atlantis are bustling, with several quests for the protagonist to choose from. However, so many of the planets that the player can visit are largely devoid of life aside from plants to collect and hostiles to fight. However, there is a big different between someone to fight and someone to talk to. Exploring in Starfield, even with a group of allies, can feel lonely, which can hold the game back from being an exciting, immersive adventure.

Fallout 76 Had The Same Problem As Starfield And Solved It

Starfield isn't the first Bethesda game to have this problem. Before Fallout 76 added its first NPCs, it had the same problem, only amplified. Even though the game was populated by players, the lack of NPCs made the game world feel barren. Since Fallout 76's world became more populated, it started to match the feel of the other Fallout games. While they take place in a wasteland, they don't necessarily have to feel like one.

Starfield could benefit from something similar, adding more NPC, even as random encounters, to make the universe feel like a less empty place during the player's travels.

Meeting Intelligent Aliens Could Make Starfield's Universe Feel Whole

One unique twist that Starfield could use in populating its world would be adding aliens. One of Starfield's biggest missed opportunities was not featuring intelligent alien life in the game, and an update could address that. Finding alien colonies and civilizations while exploring planets would add an exciting sense of discovery to the player's journey. Some could simply be there for the player to encounter, while others could have their own short tasks or questlines for the player to complete.

Starfield's universe may not be Bethesda's most exciting at the moment, but that can still change. The Shattered Space DLC could revitalize Starfield and give new and old players a reason to play again. Adding intelligent life in space outside of humanity could play a key role in that revival. Making the worlds of Starfield feel more lived-in would do the game a major service, while also giving it more replay value. Starfield's skies could become a little more friendly with the help of some extraterrestrial encounters.