Starfield is one of the most hyped up games of this generation, and while it represents something different for Bethesda, some fans think the upcoming sci-fi release will take cues from previous titles like Fallout 4. Given that Starfield has been delayed again, with the game now coming out in September, some may have concerns about whether this could affect the release of The Elder Scrolls 6 or any other future Bethesda title. Still, at least the space-faring RPG has a launch date at last.

The recent announcement not only closes the chapter on the game's uncertain release window, but it also gave people a chance to scrutinize the footage to gather as much information as they could. After the video featuring Todd Howard went live, Starfield fans noticed a detail in the background, where a screen on the far wall could be seen showing footage from the game. As blurry as this zoomed-in gameplay was, many felt they could glean information from the distant visuals.

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One detail that seems to have emerged from this deep dive is the idea that Starfield could well be using the weapon favorite system from Fallout 4, at least according to a zoomed-in still from the announcement video. The image was uploaded by Reddit user pingpy and revealed Howard in the foreground and the aforementioned screen in the distance. Based on what's onscreen in the background, it does indeed suggest that Starfield will have a favoriting function similar to the 2015 Fallout entry when players want to add an item to the quick select menu.

While not considered the best Fallout game of all time, the fourth installment in the post-apocalyptic franchise is a still pretty solid release. It would also make sense for Bethesda to use assets and ideas from previous games, more so because Starfield is built on a newer version of the engine used to develop Fallout 4 and Skyrim. In any case, most fans won't be too surprised if the upcoming sci-fi game reuses features from other Bethesda games.

While there are still a few months to wait, many will at least be relieved that Starfield finally has an official release date. There's no way to know whether another delay will come about, but given that it was originally due to launch in November 2022 and then early 2023, it wouldn't be in the studio and publisher's best interests to make people wait even longer.

Starfield launches September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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