
  • A Starfield streamer has discovered a simple method to obtain a powerful battleship worth over 150,000 credits early on in the game for free.
  • Players can seize enemy vessels and register them in their name to turn a quick profit, adding to the importance of upgrading one's ship in Starfield.
  • The method relies on a random event occurring, but by approaching pirate ships with stealth and eliminating the crew, players can claim a fully-stocked armory and a new powerful vessel.

Starships in Starfield are some of the most expensive items in the game, though a streamer managed to figure out a way to commandeer a powerful vessel worth over 150,000 credits using a surprisingly simple method. While building a ship from scratch in Starfield can be a rewarding experience, there's nothing wrong with taking a shortcut from time to time, especially if the parts obtained from said shortcut go into the construction of the player's next starship. Unlike past Bethesda titles, upgrading one's ship in Starfield takes equal importance as upgrading one's weapons and armor.

Though Starfield players can earn their ship fair and square, they can also seize enemy vessels and register them in their name, effectively letting them turn a quick profit. The random events that can occur when grav jumping into a new system remain a highlight of Starfield's space exploration, from a mysterious vessel hailing them about their ship's expiring warranty to being on the receiving end of a full-blown pirate ambush. These random events also extend to Starfield's procedurally generated worlds, and some of them are big opportunities that players can exploit.

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Starfield streamer Blue Thunder shared a simple way for players to obtain a strong battleship early on at no personal cost, and it involves grav jumping into the Cheyenne system, home to the Freestar Collective's capital city of Akila. Though the Freestar Collective is an exciting faction in Starfield for any aspiring outlaw or space scoundrel, the target in this case is on Wellish, one of the moons of Montara. By landing near its Abandoned Bionics Lab, Starfield players may trigger an event that has a ship depart the surface by flying overhead, before a second pirate ship lands in the same direction nearby.

This pirate ship is what players should pay attention to, as approaching it without being noticed by the pirates is the key to success. Dropping out of stealth before boarding the vessel will make it leave the surface, and ultimately result in players coming up empty-handed. Once all the crew is eliminated, Starfield players can go to the pilot's seat, pay a meager sum to register the ship under their name, and enjoy the benefits of a fully-stocked armory on top of a powerful new vessel.

The important caveat to this method is that it relies on a random event firing off. Though this means that Starfield players don't necessarily have to rely on one location to get their starship, there is also no guarantee that the ship will spawn on Wellish either. The best way to make use of Blue Thunder's guide is to keep an eye out for two ships flying above the player, and to make sure to approach the pirates with stealth. Thankfully, the business of surveying planets in Starfield gives plenty of reasons to explore the Settled Systems, and players are bound to see the event sooner or later.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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