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In New Atlantis, the main UC hub in Starfield, players can find all sorts of people in need of help or who have high-paying jobs that need doing. One such person Landry Hollifield, a front-desk employee at GalBank.

Players can walk right into the New Atlantis branch of GalBank and speak to Landry, and he'll offer them a job in "Credit Analysis." However, the player's role isn't to sift through credit ratings and probabilities. Instead, it's to track down delinquent borrowers and get the money from them one way or another. Here's what to expect from this unusual Starfield side mission.

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Collect Dieter Maliki's Debt

starfield how to persuade dieter maliki to pay his debt without killing him choice 1

The first target is Dieter Maliki, a con artist who took out a loan for a new restaurant and then fled to the remote moon of Aranae IV-A. Players who visit Aranae IV-A may hear about a situation in the Altair system, but this leads to a completely different mission called "Groundpounder."

Once on the moon's surface, head over to the shack indicated by the objective marker to find Dieter. He's ready to go down fighting, and if players try to cut a deal, he'll refuse and attack. The only way to end this confrontation peacefully is to successfully pass a four-stage Persuasion attempt. Still, players should be aware that Landry will pay the same amount whether Dieter agrees or dies.

The reward for this stage of the mission is 55 XP and a level-based amount of credits.

Collect the Delinquent Spacer's Debt

Starfield Due in Full Spacer

Unlike the first stage, there's no chance for a peaceful resolution to th mission. A credit checker accidentally approved a Spacer's loan application, and as expected, the Spacer refused to even start paying it back. Landry will send players to Stellis D, a moon orbiting a gas giant in the Cheyenne system.

A fight against three Spacer ships will break out the moment players arrive. Simply defeat all three and head back to Landry for another 55 XP and another set of credits.

Collect the Delinquent CEO's Debt

Starfield Due in Full CEO

This is a particularly unusual one, according to Landry. The CEO of a small mining company has seemingly gone silent, and that includes her regular loan payments to GalBank. Her mine is on Toliman I, which orbits the other major star in the Alpha Centauri trinary system.

When players arrive at the Abandoned Mine, they'll discover that a band of pirates has taken it over. Depending on the player's level, the CEO may either be in one of the buildings outside, or deep in the mine where even more pirates are waiting.

The CEO may repeat the same line to the player and refuse to start a conversation, but this only happens if players haven't cleared out all the pirates in the Abandoned Mine. Once they're all down, the CEO will listen to the player and happily pay the balance due on her loan.

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Collect the Delinquent Mercenary's Debt

Starfield Due in Full Mercenary

The final target of "Due in Full" is a mercenary. Landry has a good opinion of him, but a year ago he maxed out his credit and went dark. GalBank has recently discovered his location, which is back in the Aranae system. Specifically, he's hiding out in a radio tower on Aranae IV-C.

When players find him, the mercenary admits that he stole GalBank's money as a way to fund his retirement. Persuasion isn't an option this time, and so players have three choices: fight the mercenary, report him as missing to Landry, or pay back the 10,000 credits he owes.

  • Fighting the mercenary is the most direct approach. He doesn't put up much of a fight, but then players won't get much from his body. Still, they can expect another 55 XP and a larger than normal payment from Landry.
  • If players agree to spare the mercenary, they can either lie to Landry or come clean about how they couldn't kill him. Landry sympathizes, and he agrees to pay the full reward anyway. Since this is the last stage of the mission, players won't lose out on any future targets.
  • If players pay off the mercenary's debt, he'll give them his custom pistol. It's a common item, but it comes packed full of mods that increase its value to around 10,000 credits. Players will still take a loss if they decide to sell it, but it's a good weapon considering how early players can find it, and it won't appear on the mercenary's body if players go aggressive.

The galaxy is full of more delinquent borrowers, but the mercenary is always the final target of this mission. If players want to experience more of the "exciting corporate life," they should join Ryujin on Nova.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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