Just like Bethesda's previous RPGs, Starfield is set to receive DLC in the future. One of the upcoming packs has already been revealed as Shattered Space, which is a story expansion that Deluxe version owners will automatically receive when it eventually comes out. When exactly that is remains unclear, as Bethesda has been focused on applying fixes to the current version of Starfield.

Starfield: 10 Biggest Pieces Of Lore

Starfield has plenty of lore for players to discover, and these tidbits are both the most important and most fascinating.

The silence on the DLC front hasn't stopped fans from speculating what could be in store for the future. Looking at some of Bethesda's past DLCs and expansions can give a pretty good idea of what to expect, and with some parts of Starfield's lore seemingly left vague on purpose, it's not all that hard to imagine what might be on the menu next. Here's what many are looking forward to in a Starfield DLC.

8 New Companions With Grey Morals

Pirates, Thieves, And Scoundrels As Romanceable Companions

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One of Starfield's greatest Achilles' heels is its lack of morally grey companions—save for Vasco. The major allies that players can make, mainly from the Constellation faction, all share a rather lawful good view of the world, which can be incredibly frustrating for those wanting to roleplay a space pirate.

The new DLC could introduce a small selection of more morally grey companions, which could also be romanced with their own side quests and backstories. Historically, Bethesda's DLCs have always contained at least one new companion (think Porter Gage from Fallout 4's Nuka-World or Serana from Skyrim's Dawnguard), and as such, it's safe to expect that Starfield will likely get the same treatment.

7 New Places To Explore

Cities, Orbital Stations, And Planets


While there's definitely no shortage of planets for players to explore in Starfield, the main complaint that players have had is that many of them feel too similar to empty. This is because a lot of the points of interest and structures are repeated ones. Perhaps if Bethesda added a few more structures to the list, it would bring some much-needed variety to planetary exploration.

10 Early Quests That Shouldn’t Be Skipped In Starfield

If players new to Starfield are wondering where to begin, these quests are a good place to get the ball rolling.

It also feels like there are not enough stakes or interest in sheer exploration, so adding more flora and fauna that feel unique and interesting is a must. Moreover, a new DLC is likely to bring in a whole new area on the star map, with a city or settlement to discover. This has been the case with previous Bethesda DLCs as well, which added separate locations (like Nuka-World and Far Harbor for Fallout 4).

6 Darker Story Themes

Expand On Neon, Ecliptic, Crimson Fleet—Or Something Completely New


Starfield's goal is to make players feel hopeful, which can be a bit jarring with so many darker games out, like Cyberpunk 2077. While it's definitely not a bad thing to have a more positive, hopeful theme to the story, Starfield's futuristic environment could benefit from darker story themes to give it a bit of grittiness.

Neon already has some of the game's more twisted storylines, but they feel a little lackluster. Adding on to the lore of Benjamin Bayou for example, or introducing completely new players akin to the Crimson Fleet (perhaps Elliptic mercenaries make a proper appearance?) would give players a bit more variety in terms of storylines.

5 More Customization And Building

Build Space Stations And Orbital Structures


Bethesda's trademark is its outpost-building feature, which has been brought from Fallout 4 to Starfield. This feature could be pushed even further with some minor DLCs, which could introduce a variety of other things for players to build.

Aside from outposts and ships, why not build space stations or other constructions in orbit? The scale of it might be challenging for Bethesda to tackle, but given the depth some of Fallout 4's DLCs were able to achieve, there may yet be some untapped potential to discover there.

4 A New Faction To Join

More Minor Factions As Seen In Fallout 4's DLCs

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Although Starfield already has a decent selection of factions from the Vanguard to the Freestar Rangers to even the Crimson Fleet, there's always space for more. And, most likely, this is exactly what Bethesda intends to introduce in the upcoming DLC.

Again, fans only need to look to the past to see the proof: Dawnguard introduced two warring factions in Skyrim, while Nuka-World had players become raiders in Fallout 4. Since Starfield makes it clear there's still a lot out there that players haven't explored, the sky is the limit with how far Bethesda could go with this.

3 Quality-Of-Life Changes

Survival Mode, Better Inventory, And Crew Improvements

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Many of the updates introduced after Starfield's release have been focused on visual quality and performance. It's high time that Bethesda gave attention to some of the community's most asked features that would bring the game to the next level.

Starfield: Rarest Resources, Ranked

Not all resources in Starfield are easy to find; here are the rarest ones that players may never see.

There's a long wishlist of things out there, but details like an additional survival mode difficulty, UI changes for the inventory, and improvements to the crew system are just a few of the tweaks Bethesda could consider implementing in an update following a DLC. In that sense, it wouldn't even need to be unique to a DLC, but rather a freebie offered to everyone.

2 A New Enemy Type

Humanoid And Alien Enemies

starfield melee vs. terrormorph

As mentioned earlier, much of Starfield's world is still a mystery. There's a sense of wonder in exploring it, and Bethesda most likely wants to play on this feeling. This means that new enemies, be they humanoid or totally alien, will make an appearance eventually.

This would also be a wonderful time to expand on some of the hostile factions that players already know about in the game, such as the Ecliptic mercenaries. On the more alien side of things, expanding on the Terrormorph lore could be a fantastic route as well, even if the Vanguard questline already dives quite deep into it.

1 A Plot Centered On House Va'ruun

House Va'Ruun Returns From Hiding

Starfield House Va'ruun

Perhaps the most asked-for feature for any DLC is more of the mysterious House Va'ruun. Out of the three powers governing Starfield's worlds, Va'ruun was the one to get the least attention in the base game, which has led many fans to believe that Bethesda is saving their best cards for a serpent-themed DLC.

This would be an exciting path for Bethesda. Va'ruun is a mysterious force, hiding deep somewhere in space away from the two other factions. Many have speculated that DLC could bring them out of hiding, and trigger some type of major world event—perhaps even a Skyrim-like civil war. Either way, many are hopeful that Va'ruun lore will be expanded sometime in the future.

starfield game

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
September 6, 2023
Action , RPG