
  • Starfield players share hilarious moments of interrupted conversations and odd situations in the game, showcasing the game's unintentional humor.
  • Players are finding unique emergent gameplay opportunities in Starfield, from looting high-level space suits to designing creative spaceships.
  • Bethesda's tradition of immersive RPG games continues with Starfield, offering a sprawling sci-fi adventure with exploration, outpost creation, and the ability to play as a morally flexible character.

Starfield players post short clips of hilariously awkward conversations being interrupted by all sorts of odd and bugged situations. Bethesda's newest IP Starfield continues the studio's tradition of immersive RPG style games like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Building on the foundations of past games, Starfield invites players into a sprawling sci-fi rpg adventure with over 1,000 planets to explore, the ability to create outposts, interact with NPC characters, and the ability to play a character as good or bad as the player wants.

With a game this large, Starfield offers plenty of emergent gameplay opportunities in how players can approach various situations as well as using the game's tools and mechanics to make something truly unique. There have been no shortage of players sharing their creative spaceships, some designed to mimic designs from other franchises, while other Starfield players managed to find a way to loot a typically high level space suit much earlier than Bethesda intended. Players are now sharing some unintentionally hilarious moments when their conversations were interrupted or cut short for various and unexplained reasons.

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Over on the Starfield subReddit, numerous players have started posting short clips of conversations that had some sort of strange or unintended situation pop up. For example, a clip from welshscott5 showed them speaking to Peter regarding a potential job opportunity, only to have another totally random NPC peek in from the left side of the screen before slowly backing out of view. The moment was so unexpected, that welshscott5 admitted they were uncontrollably laughing for 5 minutes straight.

Another clip was posted by TORN4DO, who appeared to be ready for a boss battle instead of a conversation. Seeing the Crimson Fleet boss Brogan ahead, the player launched a grenade before the game triggered the conversation. However, the grenade was still considered live by the game and before Brogan could finish his opening speech, the canister behind them was hit by the explosion, wiping out all three Crimson Fleet pirates.

The final clip comes from Starfield subReddit user YourBoyMillard who's speaking to Logan in a space bar. After backing out of the conversation, the player heads to the left to find the mysterious NPC known as The Hunter who says "I'll see you around" and then slowly disappears into the wall. Many people in the comments likened it to the Homer Simpson meme, where he's backing slowly into a large hedge.

Naturally, Bethesda games are also known for their bugs, sometimes frustrating while occasionally hilarious. In fact, one user recently shared a Starfield bug that caused their custom built starship to eject only the cockpit when taking off, leaving the rest of the ship on the landing pad. While the animation appears normal, the cockpit part of the ship is then the only thing to actually lift off into space, leaving the ship largely unusable even after attempting to reload a save.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Starfield: Complete Guide & Walkthrough