The recent Starfield Direct presentation confirmed five new companions for open world sci-fi RPG Starfield, along with the game's romance options. Like past Bethesda games, Starfield will allow players to recruit companions to accompany them on their adventures. However, Starfield is taking the companion system to the next level, allowing players to organize an entire crew for their spaceship.

Bethesda has revealed a couple of Starfield companions with previous looks at the game, revealing robot companion Vasco and the return of the Adoring Fan of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion fame. However, there will be many more companions for Starfield players to recruit, all of which are bringing unique abilities to the table.

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The Starfield companions revealed in the Starfield Direct presentation include Sarah Morgan, who specializes in Astrodynamics, Lasers, Leadership, and Botany; Sam Coe, a space cowboy who specializes in Piloting Rifle Certification, Payloads, and Geology; Barrett, who specializes in Starship Engineering, Particle Beam Weapon Systems, Robotics, and Gastronomy; Marika Boros, who specializes in Shotgun Certification, Ballistics, and Particle Beam Weapon Systems; and finally, Heller, who specializes in Geology and Outpost Engineering.

Starfield Companions List

  • Adoring Fan
  • Barrett
  • Heller
  • Marika Boros
  • Sam Coe
  • Sarah Morgan
  • Vasco

Starfield players will be able to meet these companions through a variety of means during their adventures. Some of them will be met through quest progression, others can be found at spaceports and hired as crew mates. Others still will be found on one of Starfield's thousands of planets. It's unclear what the cap is on how many companions one can have in Starfield or what limitations there may be to exploring with companions, but more of those details should come to light as we get closer to the game's release date.

Of course, there will be some companions that are positioned as more important than others. It was confirmed that some of the Starfield companions will have unique questlines with the chance to romance them. A potential romance was shown in the Starfield Direct where Sam Coe hit on a female Starfield player character. Sexual orientation will likely be considered when it comes to determining which Starfield companions can be romanced, but that's just speculation at this time.

Xbox gamers also get a fresh look at Starfield combat, the skill tree, character creation, and more. All things considered, Starfield looks like a potential Game of the Year contender, and it will be exciting to see if Bethesda is able to stick the landing come launch in September.

Starfield launches September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X.

MORE: How Long Has Starfield Been in Development? (2023)