
  • Talented modders have released the first Community Patch for Starfield, aiming to fix bugs ranging from typos to major exploits.
  • Despite Starfield being praised for its level of polish, it has its fair share of technical issues that the patch aims to address.
  • The patch, currently at Version 0.0.1, fixes minor issues like typos and UI errors, but larger bugs will be tackled in future versions.

A group of talented modders in the Starfield modding community have released the first Community Patch for the popular new spacefaring RPG. The expansive patch aims to fix a vast array of bugs in Starfield, from small typos and inconsistencies to broken quests and major exploits.

When the long-awaited Starfield released in early September, many fans were expecting it to be at least a little bit broken, in keeping with the reputation of Bethesda RPGs for being buggy, stretching back to the early Elder Scrolls games. And while Starfield has been widely praised for attaining a higher level of polish than many previous Bethesda titles, it is not without its fair share of technical issues. Some of these bugs can be quite amusing or even beneficial for players, while others have been a source of irritation.

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Now, even with official modding tools for Starfield still months away, a team of modders have gotten together to create the ambitious Starfield Community Patch, a huge collaborative project that aims to tackle as many of the game's bugs as possible. The patch, which can be downloaded from Nexus Mods, is still being developed and expanded, with the current version being listed as Version 0.0.1, but the list of fixes contained within it is already quite impressive. Overall, the patch aims to tackle issues such as script errors, misplaced objects, faulty missions, game-breaking exploits, spelling errors, and more. The mod's description makes clear that it will not include any new content, balance changes, or "tweaks that are not in keeping with the original vision for the game."

Starfield Community Patch

Among the fixes described in the Version 0.0.1 changelog are over a dozen typos, a couple of perks that have had their effects changed to match their descriptions, several UI errors, and a few broken companion behaviors. While all of these fixes will surely help contribute to a smoother player experience overall, the issues being tackled are fairly minor. Larger bugs that break whole quests or cause the city of New Atlantis to disappear will have to wait for future versions of the patch, it would seem.

The Starfield Community Patch continues a long tradition of unofficial patches for popular Bethesda games, fixing a wide range of issues and promising to address many more as development of the mod progresses. Given the massive amount of procedurally generated content in Starfield, it's likely that many more unexpected bugs and inconsistencies will continue to be found and documented by players as the game is explored, ensuring plenty of work ahead for the dedicated modders developing the Community Patch.

Starfield is available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Starfield: Complete Star Map

Source: Nexus Mods