Starfield is Bethesda's next big RPG. Unlike its previous Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises, Starfield looks to give fans a new experience, with an original sci-fi setting. The game is expected to release in late 2022, however, even with a release date so relatively close, fans have so far only seen a few seconds of in-game footage. While many are expecting Starfield to be shown off at the upcoming Xbox and Bethesda showcase, the lack of gameplay displayed by the upcoming title has some fans fearful.

Of course, there are the running suspicions that like some other titles set to be released in 2022, Starfield could be delayed. On the other hand, there are fears that Starfield could release with a lot of bugs and glitches. 2022 has already seen a major release plagued by bugs, as Dying Light 2 players were facing some serious problems at launch, including a glitch that instantly killed them. Given Bethesda's history with buggy launches, it's understandable that some fans are concerned.

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Despite Skyrim still being enjoyed today, the game is known for its buggy nature. Skyrim players are even finding new glitches 11 years after its launch. However, Starfield actor Stephen Ford has recently come out to calm some fans who believe Bethesda's newest title will repeat the mistakes of previous games. Ford is known for his work on Teen Wolf, Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, and a YouTube channel known as Ascender.

Ford has been teasing his role in Starfield for a while, and the latest tease on Twitter showed Starfield as the "Giga Chad" meme standing over the Game Awards. While a joke, some fans took the idea that Ford believed Starfield would be an impressive game very seriously, criticizing him and anyone else who believed the game would be good. "People are hyping up this game so much," one fan said, with a following statement that they couldn't wait for players to encounter all the bugs that were typical of a Bethesda title.

In response, Ford simply stated that he believed the game was "pretty awesome." While the public are yet to see any extended gameplay footage from Starfield, it seems likely that Ford will have seen more than most, meaning his view is more informed. However, if he is as deeply involved with the game as his teases suggest, it is also unlikely he would be discussing its flaws even before release. Ultimately, fans will have to wait to get their hands on the game for themselves before they can form a full opinion on it.

Starfield launches November 11 for PC and Xbox Series X.

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