
  • Starfield introduces a new combat mechanic that could be a valid alternative to VATS in Fallout 5.
  • The Boost Assault Training skill in Starfield allows players to slow down time and line up shots, similar to the Dead Eye skill in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Fallout 5 could potentially incorporate a charged slow motion mechanic inspired by Starfield's Boost Assault Training perk as a replacement for VATS.

Starfield may not have brought VATS over from Fallout, but it has one feature that may prove that Fallout 5 doesn't need VATS. The idea of leaving behind such an iconic mechanic of the series does sound unusual at first glance. However, Starfield introduced something that could prove to be a valid alternative. Admittedly, Starfield and Fallout have some rather notable differences despite both being Bethesda RPGs; there are some mechanics that are far better suited for one than the other. Even with that in mind, Starfield could have developed what could become a new version of VATS.

It's only natural to expect Fallout 5 to include VATS, since it's one of the most iconic aspects of the franchise. When players use VATS, the game freezes and lets the player directly aim their shots at certain parts of the enemy. In addition to lining up easy headshots, this can also be used to damage legs to slow enemies down, or even shoot weapons out of their hands on occasion. VATS never fails to make the protagonist seem like the wasteland's greatest gunslinger, especially for players with high accuracy. Its general usefulness makes it a good addition to almost any fight.

How Past Fallout Vaults Could Influence Fallout 5's Starting Point

Fallout's starting Vaults have left a lot to be desired, and some undiscovered shelters in the franchise could be a better option for Fallout 5.

Starfield's Boost Assault Training Could Be the Next VATS

Starfield Has Its Own Time-Slowing Combat Mechanic

While it may have been a disappointment to see Starfield's combat without VATS, it has its own equivalent of the iconic skill. At the highest level of the Boost Assault Training skill, time will slow down significantly when using the boost pack to hover. This will make it easier for the player to line up their shots, similar to the Dead Eye skill from Red Dead Redemption 2. The effect lasts as long as the player continues hovering, so the player can use it to take down multiple foes. In addition to its utility, the slow-motion effect adds a cinematic aspect to firefights.

Starfield's Boost Assault Training Has More Steps Than VATS, But Is Equally Satisfying

There are some limitations to this skill. First, obviously, it requires one of Starfield's equippable boost packs to be in use to activate the effect. Second, Boost Assault Training will take a while to level up to maximum, so players will be several hours into the adventure before they can fight in slow motion. Requiring the player to jump through so many hoops is a definite distinction between Starfield's slow motion and Fallout's VATS, since the latter is typically readily available to the player with no extra steps. Even so, it's a satisfying addition to combat that is well worth the effort to unlock.

While it may have been a disappointment to see Starfield 's combat without VATS , it has its own equivalent of the iconic skill.

Fallout 5 Could Use a New Combat Gimmick

If Fallout 5 makes a change to VATS, then Starfield's inspiration could prove key. While nothing short of a reboot of the Fallout franchise would be likely to get rid of VATS entirely, Fallout 5 could change things up by offering something based on Starfield's Boost Assault Training perk. Rather than requiring the player to use a jetpack, it could just be a charged slow motion mechanic that allows more precise aiming. It would have a similar function to VATS, just with a different method. It was fun in Starfield, and the same idea could work wonders in Fallout 5.

Fallout 5 could be the game that shakes up a series mainstay, and Starfield could be an inspiration for that. While it may sound odd for Fallout 5 to retire VATS, sometimes it's worth trying something new. A slow-motion mechanic inspired by Starfield could give players the improved precision that they seek from VATS while also adding a cool visual effect that would be unlikely to get old for some time. VATS is a staple of the Fallout universe, but Fallout 5 might have a valid replacement with some help from Starfield.