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  • Starfield introduces a new universe with unique locations, lore, and stories for players to discover, including the bustling city of Akila with its interesting quests and attractions.
  • Players can explore the Coe Heritage Museum, where they can view historic artifacts and undertake a quest to retrieve important documents for a large sum of money.
  • Akila City offers various locations like Sinclair's Books, where players can exchange old-world books for credits, and Aggie's bar, a quirky hangout with quests and companions.

Bethesda's sci-fi RPG Starfield brings a whole new universe to the catalog of the developer, complete with its own brand-new locations, lore, and stories to be discovered. Throughout Starfield's Settled Systems, players will find a number of established settlements, each thriving under their own unique geological circumstances. Akila City, located on the planet Akila, is one of the largest and most highly populated cities in the game world and offers a number of interesting quests and attractions for players to engage with.

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This desert city, which appears to have been inspired, at least in part, by Star Wars planet Tatooine, is certainly not the law-and-order civilization represented by the UC in New Atlantis. This territory is under the domain of the Freestar Collective, a libertarian group of breakaway settlers, and as a result the rules here a slightly more 'relaxed' than they might be in other settlements.

7 Visit The Coe Heritage Museum

Starfield Best Things To Do In Akila City Coe Heritage Museum

The history of the Coe family is one of the most fascinating and inspiring in all of Starfield lore. The museum features a number of interesting exhibits including a large model sailboat, the weapons and equipment of Solomon Coe (Akila City's founder) as well as the skull of a large, horned animal.

In addition to viewing these historic artifacts, players can also get a miscellaneous quest from the museum's caretaker, Leah Casler, who will offer large sums of money to anyone who is able to retrieve a number of important, historic documents for her.

6 Visit Sinclair's Books

Starfield Best Things To Do In Akila City Sinclair's Books

A bookstore might not seem like the most exciting thing in Akila City, but it is a useful location to explore. The proprietor, Ahnjong Sinclair, is an Old Earth books enthusiast. While the collection she offers is not particularly spectacular, she will enable players to exchange their old-world books (with the exception of anything by Charles Dickens) for 2000 Credits each.

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This can be extremely useful as books can be found throughout most space stations and enemy outposts. Their usual value will never be anything as high as the price Sinclair offers, so it is best to bring them to her and make a small fortune, keep in mind, though, that once sold to her, players won't be able to read it or buy back from her and will have to find another copy elsewhere.

5 Visit Aggie's

Starfield Best Things To Do In Akila City Aggies Bar

Aggie's is a popular bar located in the Deimos Court area of The Stretch. This small local hub is brimming with activity and includes a number of quests and companions for players to encounter. The bar's owner, Aggie, and her regular customers might not be the most welcoming bunch, but after a while players will develop a healthy respect for their independent ethos.

The bar is in the rougher area of town, and as a result, players might find one or two bloodstains around the place, but as a whole, it is a quirky and enjoyable hangout for players wishing to get a true taste of what life is like for the locals in Akila City.

4 See Honest Earl's Alien Extravaganza

Starfield Best Things To Do In Akila City Honest Earl's Alien Extravaganza

A little further down The Stretch, players can find a small zoo named Honest Earl's Alien Extravaganza. While there is some controversy among locals and visitors alike as to whether or not the proprietor is a charlatan, and whether the 10 Credit admission fee is even worth it, the location offers an interesting exhibition of bones and alien animals in small cages.

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While these specimens are not especially rare, even on the planet Akila, one has to respect the entrepreneurial spirit of "Honest" Earl. Players who have selected the "Kid Stuff" trait during character creation might end up seeing their parents make a visit here.

3 Visit Laredo Firearms

Starfield Best Things To Do In Akila City Laredo Firearms

While Akila City has a number of weapons stores, Laredo Firearms is by far the superior place to go when it comes to any weaponry in Akila City. Complete with its own large shooting range, Laredo Firearms also has some incredibly powerful weapons for sale.

The Headranger and The Prime are two examples of classic Akila City weapons. It is clear to see the Old West inspiration behind the design of these weapons, which are fashioned in the style of a Winchester and a revolver respectively. Players won't find many better weapons than this within the walls of Akila City.

2 Buy A House

Starfield Core Manor Player Home

For players who are really enjoying their time in Akila City, it is possible to establish a permanent residence by purchasing real estate. To do this, players will need to find Ngodup Tate, a realtor, who will advertise and sell two different homes within the city.

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The first, Core Manor, is located in the Core area of the city, behind The Rock which serves as the central landmark of the settlement. This house will set players back around 78,000 credits, though, which might be a bit expensive in the early game without console commands. Fortunately, Tate also offers the Stretch Apartment, for the much more reasonable price of 45,000 credits.

1 Join The Freestar Rangers

Starfield Factions Freestar Collective

The Freestar Collective is one of the most powerful factions within the Starfield universe. Prioritizing independence and freedom over the authoritarian methods of the United Colonies, the Freestar Collective is arguably the most libertarian faction in a Bethesda game so far.

Players will have the opportunity to join the Freestar Collective as an official citizen, before graduating to become one of the faction's elite law-enforcement officers, a Freestar Ranger. Joining will come with a number of benefits, but more importantly, will open up the Freestar Collective quest line.

Starfield is available now on Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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