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Given that the game boasts more than one thousand planets and moons, it can be difficult to know which star systems to visit first in Starfield. This isn't helped by the fact that the player's star map gives very little away beyond the core makeup of the system, meaning that those going in blind will never really know what to expect.

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Fun though it may be to explore countless procedurally generated planets or get dragged around by the main quest line, some players may prefer a more informed approach. By taking a moment to learn which are the best places to visit first in Starfield, players can save themselves an awful lot of loading screens once they start playing.

1 Alpha Centauri


Tempting though it may be to stray far from the beaten path the moment the game lets go of one's hand, players are strongly advised to follow Starfield's main story for at least as far as Alpha Centauri. It's here that they'll find the planet Jemison, which is home to Constellation and all manner of weird and wonderful distractions.

New Atlantis does a wonderful job of easing players into the Starfield experience, largely due to the way that the city is broken up. Each district is easy to navigate and introduces players to many of the mechanics and store types that they'll be relying on for much of their playthrough. They can also pick up a whole heap of side quests here, which bodes well for those who are eager to break free from the critical path.



Once players have gotten their bearings, the next place they'll want to visit is SOL, which they'll soon come to realize is actually the Milky Way. Those who spent time theorizing about what happened to Earth in the buildup to Starfield's release can now learn the truth for themselves, though they might not like what they find. It is possible to visit certain Earth landmarks later on, but players will need to jump through a few hoops in order to do so.

RELATED: Starfield: Every Landmark on Earth (& How to Unlock Them)

After checking in on Earth, players should make their way over to Mars, which is where they'll find Cydonia. It's a lot more dreary than some of the game's other settlements, but still has its own unique vibe that's well worth checking out. Players can recruit new crew members here too by heading over to the Broken Spear and also pick up a few new side quests just by wandering around.

3 Cheyenne


Each of Starfield's main settlements has its own unique themes, with Akila City being incredibly reminiscent of the Old West. The Rock is effectively just one giant saloon, while both Laredo Firearms and Rowland Arms boast some of the best weapons in Starfield; though these do of course come at a fairly steep price.

Akila City is also where players can find Sinclair's Books, which will be important for those hoping to visit iconic Earth landmarks like The Shard and the Pyramids. To do so, they'll need to pick up copies of Oliver Twist and The Ancient Civilization of Egypt from the bookstore, after which, the London and Cairo landmarks will be added to their map of Earth.

4 Volii


Found on the planet Volii Alpha in the Volii star system, Neon is easily the most vibrant location that players can visit during the opening stages of Starfield. The cyberpunk-inspired city is drenched in neon lighting and boasts an excellent selection of shops and other points of interest for players to explore.

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The highlight of Neon is easily the Astral Lounge; a nightclub that plays host to a non-stop dance party. Players can also purchase themselves a home in Neon, or spend time snooping around the offices of some of the massive corporations that are based out of the city's trade tower. It couldn't be more different than the likes of Akila City and New Atlantis, making it a great place to visit first in Starfield.

5 Kryx


If players attempt to visit Kryx without an invitation, they'll soon find themselves the target of scores of hostile Crimson Fleet ships. As such, it's a good idea to complete the Deep Cover faction quest before making their way there, which will require them to get arrested in any UC-controlled star system. This will lead to them joining the Crimson Fleet, allowing them to explore the system at their leisure.

Although there are one or two other points of interest in the Kryx star system, The Key is by far its biggest pull. Here, players can stock up on weapons and armor, offload their stolen goods, or just kick back with some of the biggest space scoundrels in all of the settled systems. Players can find a copy of the Diary of Kyosuke Nagata here too, which will allow them to visit the remains of Osaka back on Earth.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.