
  • Matsura the Grim: The charming and flexible pirate captain adds depth to the Crimson Fleet faction in Starfield.
  • Samina Mizrah: The down-on-her-luck doctor showcases the nuanced characters within the Crimson Fleet.
  • Jasper Kryx: Although deceased, his legacy sets the stage for the entire Crimson Fleet quest line in Starfield.

The NPCs are one of the biggest draws of any RPG's factions, being the primary reason outside of quests and rewards for players to even bother interacting with the faction in the first place. Faction NPCs can run the gamut between being useless but full of character to being practically essential to encounter in just about every playthrough. In Bethesda's Starfield, this same thing is true, and the Crimson Fleet faction of space pirates and general ne'er-do-wells is full to the brim with memorable, useful, and at times, incredibly frustrating NPCs - each with their own story for players to uncover.

Starfield: How To Join The Crimson Fleet

The Crimson Fleet is one of the most notorious factions in Starfield, and players themselves can become a member.

10 Matsura the Grim

Surprisingly Nice, For A Pirate

barrett and his crimson fleet friend in starfield

Encountered early on during the main quest line, Matsura the Grim is a Crimson Fleet pirate captain who turns out to be surprisingly charming and affable. Depending on the player character's affiliations and perks chosen, the encounter with Matsura the Grim can be pleasant, tense, or incredibly violent - but that's all part of the fun. Matsura the Grim is a great character, and this encounter sets up the Crimson Fleet as a surprisingly flexible organization with a reasonable diversity of members.

9 Samina Mizrah

Even Pirates Need A Doctor

samina mizrah

A down on her lock doctor, Samina Mizrah is one of the less dastardly members of the Crimson Fleet. No longer allowed to practice medicine in more reputable locales, Samina instead turns her knowledge and expertise to patching up pirates aboard the Crimson Fleet's space station, The Key. One of several vendors and service providers aboard The Key, Samina is a great NPC who really shows off the nuance in groups like the Crimson Fleet.

8 Bog

Bog's Grog: Because Everyone Needs Just One More Succulent

Starfield Bog

The bartender of The Last Nova, a bonafide pirate bar tucked away aboard The Key, Bog is a surly, distrustful guy out to earn some money for his family. A totally relatable character, even if he chose a somewhat unsalubrious location for his business. Still, Bog is an interesting character and he sells the consumable item Bog's Grog, which offers a very nice - and quite rare - boost to players' carrying capacity. Very nice.

7 Evgeny Rokov

Hopeful, Helpful, And A Little Bit Desperate

evgeny rokov in starfield

Evgeny is an interesting character because he's a former member of the Crimson Fleet, as well as being a member once more later on. Rokov wants nothing more than to be part of the Fleet, to be a useful member of the faction. Instead, he languishes as a mere cruise ship captain on a luxury liner. But his loss is the Fleet's gain as it just so happens that information necessary for furthering leader of the Fleet, Delgado's, goals can be obtained with his help. And Rokov is actually quite useful if the player wants him to be, resulting in his readmittance to the Fleet.

6 Jasper Kryx

Without Jasper Kryx There Is No Crimson Fleet

jasper Kryx's dead body in eye of the storm

To get this out of the way - Jasper Kryx is dead by the events of Starfield. But he's arguably the most important Crimson Fleet NPC, even if it's only his dead body that's encountered by players, since he's the entire reason the Crimson Fleet even exists in the first place. And, after all, it's Jasper Kryx's Legacy that kicks the Crimson Fleet quest line up a notch, and a 'meeting' with Jasper Kryx does happen towards the end of the faction quest line. He's even got an entire star system named after him.

Starfield: Eye Of The Storm Walkthrough (How To Escape The Legacy)

choose between the Crimson Fleet and the UC SysDef in this Starfield faction quest that requires players to complete a heist, and escape the Legacy.

5 Mathis Castillo

A Pirate's Best Friend


Depending on how exactly the player responds to him, Mathis Castillo is either a ride-or-die companion or a bitter enemy. But that's all part of the fun of the character, and this is really helpful when it comes to roleplaying as a pirate in Starfield. Mathis wants to join up with the Crimson Fleet just like the player does, and in true RPG style, whether or not he's actually successful in his aim is all up to the player's choices at the end of the quest. But Mathis is the perfect companion for piracy focused players.

4 Naeva Mora

The Unrestrained Face Of Piracy

Naeva Mora

Naeva is the incredibly frustrating and abrasive second-in-command of the Crimson Fleet faction. Encountered early on during the Crimson Fleet quest line, Naeva is almost like a bad caricature of pirate. Selfish, aggressive, and needlessly violent, Naeva is everything bad about the Crimson Fleet all rolled up into a single character. But that's exactly what makes her such a good Crimson Fleet character, as Naeva shows off a far less nuanced side to Starfield's faction of space pirates.

10 Most Evil Starfield Characters, Ranked

The Settled Systems are a big place in Starfield, and not everyone who resides there is good.

3 Delgado

Pirate Bossman


Affable and a bit of a dreamer, Delgado is the Crimson Fleet's leader. This means it's under his authority that the looting, pillaging, and general unpleasantness of the Crimson Fleet occurs, and he's more than happy to preside over it all. Still, Delgado has loftier ambitions than just a bit of space piracy, and instead wants to turn the Crimson Fleet into a faction worthy of going toe to toe with any of the others. This bit of ambition is the reason why Delgado puts so much faith in the player character.

2 Shinya Voss

So Loyal He Strapped A Bomb To His Chest

shinya voss with a bomb strapped to his chest

Perhaps one of the most interesting NPCs in the Crimson Fleet faction, Shinya Voss is the money man. He handles all of the credits going into and out of pirates' pockets, which makes him a pretty big deal to the organization. But it's not just his financial expertise that makes him so interesting, because Shinya Voss has willingly allowed himself to be hooked up to a bomb which he carries around on his chest. A bomb that can't be removed without a complex process. The dedication to his role, and the faction, required for such a thing makes Voss an extremely interesting - if somewhat unhinged - character.

1 Jasmine "Jazz" Durand

Simply The Best Ship Technician

Jazz Durand

Jazz is just a great NPC all around, but what elevates her is how useful she is to the player character. Jazz, unlike most of Starfield's ship technicians, has access to a truly staggering array of different ship parts from different manufacturers along with some very nice illegal components - all under one roof. Her easy access to credits for selling ships, the vast number of parts she can sell, and her convenient location near to The Key's other vendors make her well worth the pirate life. She's sort of a tragic figure, too, as she's not even really into the whole piracy thing, and is just there because she wants to keep Naeva safe.

starfield game

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action , RPG
September 6, 2023