
  • Update 1.6 of Stardew Valley offers new farm types, festivals, and items, enhancing the game experience significantly.
  • Players have been encouraged by ConcernedApe to start a new game to fully appreciate the update's effects, but some may be hesitant to leave their old farms, as they could have put hundreds of hours into them.
  • Still, the multiple save slots available in Stardew Valley allow players to start fresh while still keeping their old farm intact for future enjoyment, so going through the hassle of building everything up could be worth it again.

The creator of Stardew Valley has a suggestion in regard to the game's latest update that could be easier for some players than others. Considering how long Stardew Valley Update 1.6 was anticipated, it's hard to imagine anything that could dampen a fan's anticipation. After all, it turned out to be an enormous update that makes a lot of significant changes to the game. In terms of the update itself, there's little to complain about. However, ConcernedApe has one idea for players to get the most out of it, and some fans of the game may need more convincing than others.

With the release of Stardew Valley's Update 1.6, there is a remarkable amount of new content for players to experience. A few of the more notable additions to the game include:

  • A new farm type, Meadowlands, with a focus on raising animals
  • New festivals and events
  • More NPC dialogues
  • A large amount of new items
  • More pet interactions and the ability to have multiple pets

Update 1.6 has so much new content that it should transform a decent amount of the game, especially in regard to the new farm and new festivals. Stardew Valley's future looks even brighter in the wake of this update, though players will not get to see all the new content unless they start fresh, which is easier said than done.

Stardew Valley Update 1.6 Fruit Trees Discourse Explained

Stardew Valley's update 1.6 is set to drop on March 19, but it's already making buzz due to a quality-of-life update for its fruit trees.

Stardew Valley Players May Want To Use New Farms For Update 1.6

ConcernedApe Suggests Experiencing Stardew Valley's Update On a New Save

As the patch released, a message from Stardew Valley's creator, ConcernedApe, recommended that players start a new save file before playing with the new update. In general, it's a suggestion that makes a lot of sense. The game's calendar will be different with the new festivals added, and there are several features that can affect the pace of progression, such as the introduction of skill books. There is also the fact that one of the new additions, the Meadowlands farm, will require a new save file in the first place. Taking all of this into account, one can see why this suggestion was made, and ConcernedApe wanting players to see everything he has been working hard on is completely understandable.

Players May Be Wary of Leaving Old Stardew Farms Behind

Unfortunately, restarting may be hard for some players. Some Stardew Valley players run farms for years, designing them intricately and turning them into their exact vision. It can be hard to give up all of that progress, especially if players have achieved perfection or have any particularly rare items such as the Living Hat. Of course, restarting would also mean resetting progress on all of their relationships in the valley, including the one with their spouse if they have one. Pushing the reset button on a long-lived farm can be hard to do, so it's understandable why some players may be wary of starting over.

Stardew Valley's Multiple Save Slots Make Starting Anew Easier

Thankfully, Stardew Valley has multiple save slots, so players can have multiple farms. Starting a new save in Stardew Valley means beginning from scratch, but players can still keep their old farm in another save slot so that they can revisit it at their leisure. While they may not be able to use the new farm or experience progression from the beginning on their old farm, they will still have access to it. At the same time, they can take in the full extent of the update's effects on a new farm, so nothing will truly be lost for players on a new save.

ConcernedApe's suggestion to experience Stardew Valley's latest update on a fresh farm doesn't require losing what came before. With Haunted Chocolatier's potential still looming, players have plenty to do within Stardew Valley to keep them engaged in the meantime. Even fans who were playing after the previous update will find that the game has undergone some dramatic changes after starting a new farm. Players may be wary of leaving their old farms behind, which is understandable, but ConcernedApe's suggestion for Stardew Valley's latest update will maximize the player's experience if gamers are willing to follow his advice.

stardew valley
Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a hit Indie release that spawned a cult following thanks to its similarities to titles like Harvest Moon and The Sims. Players will take control of their own characters as they are dropped into the eponymous Stardew Valley and given an old dilapidated farm. They'll cultivate new crops and relationships with the NPCs scattered around the area, as well as combat monsters and embark on other quests.