While Stardew Valley gets its start with the player taking over their Grandfather's farm, there's plenty to do outside of simply tilling the land. Heading deep underground in the game's various caves can reward the player richly, but one player found themselves to be far luckier than expected.

Stardew Valley has more than one cave that players can explore, but this particular event took place in Skull Cavern, the game's most advanced underground area. Players descending through this cave can mine, fight enemies, and find treasure chests. However, this player found a bounty of treasure that most players will never see.

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As shared on the Stardew Valley subreddit, player Bmein chronicled part of their outrageous fortune. As seen in the video, Bmein opens a treasure chest, descends to another level, finds another treasure chest, and essentially repeats for the remainder of the recording. Bmein notes near the end of the video that they had already gone through around ten levels like this, and in a later comment, explained that they made it all the way to level 200 before they went home for the night.

During that time, Bmein managed to pocket some of the best loot in Stardew Valley. They're shown unboxing things like a Crystalarium, and also revealed that they received multiple Iridium Sprinklers and three Auto Petters, which can be difficult to earn or unlock in the game. These types of tools can free up a lot of time for players around the farm, so Bmein may have even more time to explore caves going forward.

It's unclear exactly what caused this particular Stardew Valley glitch. Other users commenting were curious about replicating the glitch, but according to Bmein, the only unusual thing they did that day was get married to Leah early in the morning before they went to the Skull Cavern. Others have pointed out that the user appears to have an extended content mod installed, though it doesn't explicitly allow players to cheat and generate endless loot, so it's unclear if it has a role to play in this glitch. In any case, it seems some combination of these circumstances led to this outcome.

Stardew Valley is a game of surprising depth, with plenty of interesting secrets hidden in Pelican Town. Between intentional in-game events or oddities and rare glitches like these, many players will have plenty to keep them busy until ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier officially launches.

Stardew Valley is available now on mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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