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Stardew Valley’s immersive gameplay lets players experience rural life as if they’ve truly stepped into the countryside. It’s the perfect farming role-playing game, giving players complete control to turn the overgrown fields into the serene farm of their dreams. One of the initial challenges players face in Stardew Valley is to revive the barren farm left behind by their grandfather. They only have a few seeds and a handful of hand-me-down tools to grow crops, raise animals, and build a bountiful farm.

The Watering Can is one of the tools players receive at the initial stage of the game. It is used to water the Crops and create a thriving, harvest-ready farm. The only drawback is that the basic Watering Can is capable of being used up to 40 times before it needs a refill.

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How to Refill Water Can in Stardew Valley

Crops need to be watered regularly to ensure their proper growth. An immature crop may not die if it isn’t watered every day – but it won’t grow either. Mature crops that yield multiple harvests require daily watering. Players need to be able to refill their watering cans so that their crops stay healthy and well-maintained.

Watering Cans can be refilled at any water source – including the kitchen sinks in upgraded homes.

  • To refill a Watering Can, players need to approach a water source of their choice – any lake or pond that is closest to them will work.
  • With the Watering Can equipped, players need to interact with the water by left-clicking on the water body. And just wait for a few seconds as the water refills – it’s that simple and effortless.

Players don’t need to wait till their Watering Can is completely empty. It can be refilled halfway, too!

Upgrading a Watering Can

stardew valley clint blacksmith

To avoid constant refills, players can upgrade their watering cans to ones with better capacity. Tools in Stardew Valley can be upgraded by visiting Clint the Blacksmith in Pelican Town. It takes 2 nights for Clint to upgrade the Watering Cans. He asks for certain materials, depending on how advanced players want their Watering Cans.

  • Copper Watering Cans – Water Capacity increased to 55 units
  • Steel Watering Cans – Water Capacity increased to 70 units
  • Gold Watering Cans – Water Capacity increased to 85 units
  • Iridium Watering Cans – Water Capacity increased to 100 units

It’s advisable to send the Watering Can for upgrades during Rainy days when the rain will water the crops or during Winter as watering is not required that season.

Stardew Valley is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.