One of the most loved aspects of the ultra-popular farming simulator Stardew Valley is the expansive cast of NPCs. Fans of the game have celebrated their favorite characters using fan art and fan fiction, and have even put the NPCs through personality assessments to learn more. While most of the NPCs in the game are charming from the beginning, George comes off as curmudgeonly, barely giving the player character the time of day. While some players might have George at the end of their favorite NPC lists for Stardew Valley, he is an excellent example of representation for older folks in video games.

While George isn't always the most generous villager in town, he is a multi-faceted, multi-layered character that takes time to befriend because the player has to earn his trust. In many video games, NPCs are either ageless or around the same age as the player character, who is typically very young. When older characters are in games, they can frequently be the victims of villainy, simple quest-givers, or the protagonist's family members with no agency of their own. Stardew Valley's George and Evelyn have storylines to explore and a refreshing complexity of character.

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How George's Storyline Can Make Stardew Valley Players More Empathetic

A screenshot of George discussing how he has grown to be able to trust and befriend more people in Stardew Valley

At the beginning of a Stardew Valley playthrough, George Mullner's angry face and stern demeanor can scare some players away from befriending him. Still, he is a Stardew Valley villager that should be befriended early. Often, interacting with George involves him talking about the "good old days" and giving sassy advice amount the player's farming and cooking skills. These interactions are often comical and witty, but the best moments occur during George's heart events. The first event involves George opening up about being a wheelchair user after a tragic accident, giving players a window into the lives of people who deal with the loss of mobility.

Other heart events involve George sending the player some of the best Stardew Valley food recipes, showing that, in time, he trusts and appreciates the effort. This is a big step for George, who can be found at home watching TV almost daily. Befriending George's wife, Evelyn, also reveals to the player another side of the old man, as she sometimes talks about how George's personality has changed with age. Overall, the storyline allows George to befriend people outside his circle, an issue many older folks deal with.

Stardew Valley's George Raises the Bar for Good Representation

Stardew Valley player watches TV with George

It's been clear that Stardew Valley developer Eric Barone finds complex character design essential, as there are opportunities to connect on a deeper level with almost every NPC in the game. Some Stardew Valley players have created lovely moments with George - including watching TV with him and building him a ramp for greater accessibility - showing how young players can connect with people living vastly different lives. After the movie theater was added to the farming simulator in the 1.4 content update, players can see a movie with George, allowing for a lovely and heartfelt show of growth.

George's character is also a great example of how older folks can be a powerful force for acceptance. This is seen when a male-identifying player character romances Stardew Valley's Alex, George and Evelyn's grandson. When George hears, he admits that he found romantic relationships between men strange, but the love the player character and Alex share makes him change his mind. This is an incredibly affirming moment to have in a videogame, especially for young queer gamers struggling to connect with the older folks in their lives. In an industry that allows for multi-faceted storytelling, more developers should create games that represent older folks in a complex and meaningful way.

Stardew Valley is out now for PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, mobile, and legacy devices.

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