
  • According to ConernedApe, Stardew Valley Update 1.6 is in its final stages of development.
  • The scope of Update 1.6 has grown over the past year, with the creator adding more content than originally anticipated.
  • The developer is currently in the bug-fixing and polishing phase, and while no release date has been given, the update will be released in 2024.

The creator of Stardew Valley, Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone, has revealed how far along development on the highly-anticipated Update 1.6 is. While a release date was not given, the creator noted that development on the update is in its final stages, exciting many Stardew Valley fans.

The Stardew Valley community has known about Update 1.6 for a while, with the creator teasing new content through sometimes cryptic tweets. While Update 1.6 was supposed to be relatively small, the scope has grown over the past year, with ConcernedApe even deciding to take a break from working on Haunted Chocolatier to finish the new content coming to Stardew Valley. Some known things heading to the game in Update 1.6 include new items, festivals, dialogue, and eight-player multiplayer, and fans have been searching for clues about other potential additions. Recently, the developer gave players a better idea of when they can expect to play the new content.

One Stardew Valley Feature in Update 1.6 Sets it Further Apart From Haunted Chocolatier

As Stardew Valley continues to update alongside work on Haunted Chocolatier, one upcoming feature makes their experiences complete opposites.

In a post on Twitter, ConcernedApe talked about the upcoming Update 1.6 for Stardew Valley. According to the developer, he has finished adding major new content to the game and is now in the “bug-fixing and polishing phase” of development. While it is unclear how long this phase will last, the tweet’s wording suggests this is the final part of development before Update 1.6 is released. Besides providing a development update, he thanked the community for its patience in waiting for the new content to be released, revealing the scope of the project had expanded from what he had originally anticipated.

ConcernedApe Answers Stardew Valley Fans' Questions

Unsurprisingly, this announcement from ConcernedApe has caused excitement in the Stardew Valley community, with the initial tweet from the creator already garnering over 84K likes in only several hours. Many fans asked follow-up questions about Update 1.6, with some wondering if it was still coming in 2024. Fortunately, ConcernedApe assuaged these fears by saying, “yes absolutely.” He also stated that he hoped to release the mobile version of the update as close as possible to the other versions, noting that dealing with that had been “a nightmare in the past.”


In addition to the release date, the Stardew Valley creator commented on several other details surrounding Update 1.6. Responding to one Twitter user asking about the size of the upcoming update related to Stardew Valley's Update 1.5, ConcernedApe said it was difficult to compare the two. He pointed out that Update 1.5, released in late 2020, focused on a large new area, whereas Update 1.6 will focus on adding “more to the old stuff in the game, with a lot of little things.”

While this development update from Stardew Valley's creator did not reveal any new content coming in 1.6, it is likely to be encouraging news for fans. With a confirmed release year and the creator in what appears to be the final phase of development, it is plausible that a release could come sooner rather than later. However, fans will have to be content with speculating about what other things could be coming to the game until Update 1.6 is eventually released.