Stardew Valley has captured thousands of players' hearts. Many fans have fallen in love with its charming aesthetic and the peaceful village of Pelican Town—partly because of the people who live there. From sweethearts like Penny to old grumps like George, it's the characters that really make the game come to life.

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This game is full of distinct personalities. Every player has their favorite NPCs, and has ones that they relate to the most. But according to the stars, which of Pelican Town's residents do fans have the most in common with? Here's a list of the Stardew Valley characters that best represent each sign of the Zodiac.

12 Aries: Alex

Alex next to an aries symbol

With his endless energy and competitive spirit, Alex perfectly embodies the sign of the ram. He's bold and determined, set on his goals and not willing to settle for second best.

Sometimes, his confidence crosses the line into arrogance, a common Aries weakness. Alex believes he's the best and doesn't hesitate to let anyone know it, which sometimes leads to bragging. However, beneath that exterior, he's a kind person and doesn't let adversity or hardship dampen his positive outlook—just like a true Aries.

11 Taurus: Gus

Gus next to a Taurus symbol

Like the sign of the bull, Gus is a lover of good food and drink. He takes comfort in life's simple pleasures, and loves sharing them with people he cares about. Additionally, he's patient and generous, sometimes to his own disadvantage—for example, when Pam racks up a tab at the bar.

Tauruses are grounded people, and tend to orient themselves around family and community. Gus's Stardrop Saloon is a cornerstone of the community life in Pelican Town, and he takes pride in being able to provide that for his friends.

10 Gemini: Sandy

Sandy next to a Gemini symbol

The sign of the twin is adaptable, capable of adjusting themselves to fit in wherever they go. Sandy, though she comes from Stardew Valley, has carved out a place for herself in Calico Desert. Like a Gemini, she's sociable and charming, always eager to chat and gossip with the player.

Having moved from the valley to the desert, players get the sense that Sandy doesn't like to stay in one place. Though she misses Pelican Town, Sandy likes to move from one thing to the next, as Geminis do.

9 Cancer: Evelyn

Evelyn next to a Cancer symbol

Cancers are kind, sensitive, and family-oriented, just like Evelyn. As a surrogate grandmother to all of Pelican Town, she shares the maternal nature associated with this sign. Evelyn loves to make others feel special, whether it's her husband George to the new farmer in town.

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This sign also tends towards nostalgia, and can get stuck in the past. Evelyn often longs for the good old days, reminiscing on her youth in much of her dialogue. Like Cancers, though, she finds happiness in home comforts like baking and gardening.

8 Leo: Haley

Haley next to a Leo symbol

Haley loves to be the center of attention, just like this sign. Because of this, she can come across as vain, focusing on her appearance and clothes. Like a Leo, her discerning tastes can make her seem shallow.

However, when she's at her best, Haley exemplifies the warm and magnanimous Leo spirit. Whether she's donating clothes or holding a cakewalk to raise money for education, Haley's a generous person deep down. She's confident in herself and loves to support other people, just like the sign of the lion.

7 Virgo: Maru

Maru next to a Virgo symbol

Maru is analytical and holds herself to a high standard, classic Virgo traits. Like those under this sign, she loves to expand her mind and learn new things. She enjoys challenges and isn't afraid of hard work, whether she's helping her father in his lab or working tirelessly on her gadgets.

An often forgotten Virgo trait is their huge capacity to care for others. As a nurse in Harvey's clinic, Maru demonstrates this as well. Her thoughtfulness, diligence, and perfectionism make her a relatable character for Virgos everywhere.

6 Libra: Elliott

Elliott next to a Libra symbol

Libras are very articulate and verbally intelligent people. As a writer, Elliott fits this description perfectly. He also shares this sign's passion for beauty, whether it's a well-written poem or a pretty face. Libras are also sociable and love to form connections with others, as Elliott demonstrates even in his early heart events.

This sign loves deep and meaningful relationships, and puts a lot of effort into maintaining them. Elliott's grand gestures in his later heart events highlight this Libra quality; for example, his romantic rowboat ride.

5 Scorpio: Abigail

Abigail next to a Scorpio symbol

Like those under this sign, Abigail tends to be a little moody and secretive, brooding in the graveyard or by the lake. However, once she opens up, she's honest and loyal—like a true Scorpio friend.

Scorpios are great when it comes to deep conversation, just like Abigail is. Whether it's the existence of spirits, deep-seated fears and desires, or contemplations on the natural world, she always has something interesting to say. Like a Scorpio, she's passionate about what's important to her, even if not everyone approves.

4 Sagittarius: Sam

Sam next to a Sagittarius symbol

Energetic Sam is fun and free spirited, core Sagittarius qualities. He's sociable, open-minded, and full of big dreams. He reaches high and doesn't do things by halves—and neither do Sagittarians.

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Like this sign, Sam also has a compassionate heart. He does his best to look after his little brother, and bring his gloomy friend Sebastian out of his shell. However, as most Sagittarians do, he also has a knack for mischief and rebellion—like the time he put a pound of anchovies in the Luau soup.

3 Capricorn: Pierre

Pierre next to a Capricorn symbol

Business-savvy Pierre shares many traits with the sign of the goat. He can come across as greedy, considering his goals for wealth and material success. Like this sign, Pierre is dedicated to his work, sometimes forgetting to take time for himself.

Ultimately, though, Pierre wants to be a good provider for his family and contribute positively to his community. Like a true Capricorn, he holds fast to his beliefs and isn't afraid to stand by them—for example, when he stands up to JojaCorp goons.

2 Aquarius: The Wizard

The Wizard next to an Aquarius symbol

Those under this sign are often considered odd, and the Wizard is no exception. Secluded in his tower, most of the villagers don't know or understand him. However, like most Aquarians, he's clever and creative. With his magical prowess, the Wizard can see into the future, aligning with the visionary quality of this sign.

Most Aquarians don't care that they're "strange;" they march to their own beat. Yet, they still cherish close friendships. The Wizard's friendships with the player and Linus (another offbeat soul) demonstrate this quality in him.

1 Pisces: Emily

Emily next to a Pisces symbol

As most spiritual sign of the Zodiac, Emily is a textbook Pisces. She's sensitive and intuitive, good at sensing others' emotions and interpreting her own dreams. Pisceans are also creative, expressing themselves in all sorts of media. Emily demonstrates this quality with her love of fashion and dance.

Furthermore, she encourages others to be more expressive and in touch with their own inner selves, as in her rock therapy and clothing therapy cutscenes. With her big heart and spiritual nature, Emily perfectly embodies the sign of the fish.

All Zodiac artwork via Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

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