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Ever since the release of Stardew Valley in 2016, the game has successfully established itself as one of the most successful indie titles of all time. But, of course, the majority of Stardew Valley's appeal comes from its relaxing gameplay that offers players a break from the chaos and burden of modern life.

Apart from its gameplay, Stardew Valley also features an interesting bunch of non-playable characters, each having their storylines ranging from illicit affairs to mysterious relations. However, one of the most interesting mysteries in Stardew Valley revolves around the bachelorette Abigail and the true identity of her father.

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Why The Identity of Abigail's Father Has Been Called Into Question

stardew valley

Upon arriving at Pelican Town, players will have the opportunity to meet its many villagers, among which is Pierre, who runs the general store, his wife Caroline, and daughter Abigail. However, as players get to know Abigail more, some snippets of dialogue would raise suspicion about Abigail's birth father. For example, in one conversation with Pierre, he opens up to the player about his doubts on whether he truly is Abigail's father and how he cannot find it in his heart to confront his wife Caroline about it.

In a conversation with Caroline, she will reveal that she would often visit the Wizard's tower when she first arrived at Pelican Town. However, she keeps these visits a secret to her husband Pierre, saying he might get jealous of these walks. Finally, Abigail would tell players that it has been a long time since she dyed her hair but is now wondering why its purple shade hasn't faded since then.

However, the clearest evidence that players would soon discover comes from the Wizard himself. He confesses to the player that he believes that one of Pelican Town's villagers may be his long-lost daughter. Unfortunately, he doesn't go into detail on who he suspects his daughter may be. But from all the confessions and evidence players have discovered thus far, it's seemingly Abigail.

Why the Wizard is Likely Abigail's True Father

SV Wizard

Though Abigail and the Wizard share the same purple hair, this by itself is not enough to prove the issue, and Abigail admits to dyeing her. However, players who have gotten to know Abigail a little bit better would know that she is attracted to all things supernatural. In her regular schedule, one would usually find Abigail spending her free time near the Wizard's Tower, which could mean that she herself is trying to discover the identity of her true father.

Additionally, players will find that Abigail loves receiving amethyst or quartz, and most would probably be surprised that she eats them whole, saying, "How'd you know I was hungry?" She does the same with diamonds. Of course, Abigail's affinity to all things occult may just be part of her quirky personality. However, with all the confessions that the players will hear from Pierre and Caroline, it is highly likely that the Wizard is indeed Abigail's father.

Unfortunately, developer ConcernedApe hasn't commented on the mystery surrounding Abigail's true father. However, the developer revealed in a tweet that there are many secrets in Stardew Valley that fans should still uncover, which may or may not include Abigail's parentage. In the end, it appears that there is no sure way of knowing whether who Abigail's true father is. However, even if Pierre is proven to be Abigail's dad, it still doesn't solve the mystery as to why Abigail's purple-colored hair never fades and why she eats quartz as a snack.

Stardew Valley is out now on Android, iOS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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