
  • Blizzard president Mike Ybarra suggests that StarCraft could make a comeback under Microsoft, potentially in a new genre.
  • While a shift to a new genre could reinvent the franchise, it may also alienate fans who have been waiting for a sci-fi RTS game.
  • The future of StarCraft is uncertain, and Blizzard's focus has been on other games like Diablo, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch. A non-RTS StarCraft could be a risky endeavor.

Blizzard hasn't done much with the StarCraft franchise since 2017, but that may be changing soon. While nothing has been officially announced yet, Blizzard president Mike Ybarra has suggested that the series could come back now that the studio is under Microsoft. However, that next StarCraft game may not actually be an RTS, and that change could be a massive mistake.

If Blizzard brought StarCraft to a new genre, it could give the studio a ton of opportunity to reinvent the franchise and tell new stories. But a drastic shift like that could also alienate those that may have been clamoring for a sci-fi RTS for years. Additionally, the first two games are considered some of the greatest in the genre, so it would seem strange if the third did not follow suit. Even though it could lead to something exciting, a genre shift may not be what the franchise needs right now.

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StarCraft Was Made to be an RTS Franchise

StarCraft Pioneered the RTS Genre

The StarCraft series is often credited for being the framework that other RTS games should follow. The world that Blizzard created was fantastic to explore, the gameplay was a challenging treat, and the story was riveting from beginning to end.

While there is always the chance that a game's sequel pales in comparison to its predecessor, StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty once again reminded players why they loved the franchise in the first place. It became the fastest-selling RTS game at the time of its release, while also becoming a massive eSports sensation. Because of this, fans have been yearning to see what Blizzard does next with the IP, but that next chapter may not be what they expected.

Blizzard Wants to Alter StarCraft's Course

It has now been 13 years since the last mainline entry in the franchise, and six years since the last major release. In 2020, Blizzard announced that it was done supporting StarCraft 2 with new paid content. But since that announcement, there has been nothing StarCraft related in the pipeline. Instead, the studio has focused its attention on Diablo, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch.

While fans shouldn't get their hopes up, it sounds like Blizzard president Mike Ybarra is at least interested in exploring the franchise further. If someone comes to him with a good idea and clear vision, then the studio may be willing to explore the concept further. That may sound exciting, but there is a chance that the game takes on a completely new form. Just like with Warcraft before it, the next StarCraft may leave its RTS roots behind.

Over the years, Blizzard has moved away from the RTS genre and seems to have mostly shed that side of the company. Because of that, Ybarra has hinted that the future of StarCraft may not be in the RTS genre at all. Taking a franchise that was known for leading the RTS genre away from said genre sounds like an extremely risky endeavor, and one that fans may ultimately turn away from.

It is too early to say if a non-RTS StarCraft will be successful or not. Not only has nothing been announced yet, but there is also the chance that whatever form it takes has the same results as World of Warcraft. It could be exactly what this once massive franchise needs right now, but if it is not handled well, then it could also be the final straw. Crafting an RTS seems like the safest option to reviving this franchise, so hopefully Blizzard finds someone to lead the charge.