Final Fantasy has taken many forms since its initial inception, but wasn't until the franchise first entered 3D with Final Fantasy 7 that certain aspects of the character and art design started to gain a style fans could consistently point to as something uniquely Final Fantasy. Now, fans have begun to recognize that aesthetic in a Starbucks barista from Michigan.

From 1997 onward, certain anime-esque attributes began to define the overall appearance of any given Final Fantasy character. This typically comes in the form of oversized weapons, ridiculous hair styles with unnatural colors, and unique clothing or armor sets. Characters like Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, and Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy 7 and 15 are prime examples of these design elements.

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All of this to say, Final Fantasy character designs are distinct and easily recognizable, which is why the Internet took to a Starbucks social media testimonial from 2016 that features a barista who looks like a pre-rendered Final Fantasy character. It's almost uncanny how much resemblance there is to the design format, and many Internet users - including Square Enix - have pointed this out.

Jordan the Starbucks barista has captured the attention of numerous Final Fantasy fans. Many have drawn comparisons to the character Chadley from Final Fantasy 7 Remake, as his youthful complexion and silvery hair gradient have a striking resemblance to that character. Many other users have taken to creating memes about Jordan, including photoshopping him into one of the restaurants in Final Fantasy 15.

With even Square Enix, the developer of the Final Fantasy series, weighing in on Jordan's resemblance to the series, it truly is amazing that a post from 2016 has gained so much traction and attention a full four years after its initial release. Then again, no one individual really gets to dictate what becomes popular on the Internet.

For example, in late June of this year there was a brief period where the Internet was fawning over a rock that was shaped like a video game controller. As of now, Jordan has yet to comment on any of the attention the post has received. In any case, wherever Jordan is, hopefully he takes all of this attention in good fun, and could be willing to share his secrets in terms of how he's able to embody the Final Fantasy aesthetic so effortlessly.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now exclusively for the PS4.

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