The Clone Wars era of Star Wars is among the most talked about and beloved by fans. Considering the sheer amount of character, conflict, and lore surrounding the time period, it’s really no wonder why. Though it only lasts for three years in-universe, the shows, books, and comics set during that time have done an immensely effective job at populating the era with stories about characters whom fans have come to love. Undoubtedly, the most iconic of characters expanded upon in Clone Wars media are the clone troopers themselves.

In the hit show Star Wars: The Clone Wars, fans got to see a more personal, developed side of the clone troopers and their unique personalities. This show even turned some of them into household names of the Star Wars franchise, without needing to appear in any of the films. The different divisions of clones even sported unique colors and designs for distinction. Perhaps one of the most iconic and recognizable clone battalions is the 104th Battalion, nicknamed the “Wolfpack” in-universe due to both their gray wolf-inspired armor designs and their leader, Clone Commander Wolffe. Participating in crucial moments in the Clone Wars conflict (and saving the heroes on more than a few occasions), the Wolfpack is an essential part of understanding the Grand Army of the Republic.

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The Clone Wars


The Wolfpack was one of a select number of battalions in the Grand Army of the Republic, meaning it consisted of 576 soldiers. Activated for service after the Battle of Geonosis as all clones were, the 104th Battalion saw plenty of combat throughout the rest of the Clone Wars. In the early days, the Wolfpack was notable for assisting Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a mission to the planet Hisseen, where they fought alongside the 212th Battalion to lead the Republic forces to victory.

During the pursuit of the Separatist ship known as the Malevolence, the Wolfpack took a devastating blow when their entire fleet. Nearly all of their infantry were destroyed by the super weapon built into the enemy cruiser. Jedi Master Plo Koon, Clone Commander Wolffe, and 104th troopers Boost and Sinker were all that remained at the end. Fortunately, they were rescued by Republic forces soon after. Despite this enormous hit taken by the Wolfpack, they eventually regained their numbers and strength.

Later Operations

The Clone Trooper Wolfpack on Felucia

Throughout the rest of the war, the Wolfpack participated in a number of regular and rescue operations. When Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were stranded on the planet Lola Sayu with important information formerly held by Jedi Master Even Piell, Jedi General Plo Koon, along with Commander Wolffe and the rest of the Wolfpack Battalion, managed to move past the strong Separatist blockade of the planet and rescue the Jedi in need.

On another occasion, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka were yet again in need after being imprisoned while trying to free slaves on the planet Kadavo. As they had before, Plo Koon and the forces of the 104th Battalion led the charge to free the captured Jedi. After the shield keeping them out was disabled, they were able to land on the planet and help Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano finish their mission. Suffice to say, the Wolfpack were always ready to go on a rescue mission when they were needed.

End of the War & Legacy


At the end of the war, when Order 66 was activated by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the clone army was instructed to betray and execute their Jedi masters. The Wolfpack, despite of their history of working with the Jedi, was no exception. Plo Koon was among the Jedi killed in the Jedi Purge. After the formation of the Galactic Empire under the newly self-appointed Emperor Palpatine, nearly all the clones that remained in the Wolfpack were converted into soldiers for his new army.

However, not all of what once existed as the Wolfpack was lost. Commander Wolffe, having removed his inhibitor chip, did not succumb to the will of Palpatine and the new Empire. Instead, he ended up living a life on Seelos with fellow renegade clones Captain Rex and clone commando Gregor. Even though the Clone Wars were over, Wolffe still wore the iconic wolf-inspired armor that he had years prior.

When Ezra Bridger and the crew of the Ghost were recruiting allies to assist in the reclamation of Lothal from the Empire in 0BBY, Wolffe was there with Rex and Gregor to help. Though he did not get to fight alongside the battalion of clones that he fought with during the Clone Wars, their legacy lived on in Star Wars lore as their efforts were successful, and Lothal was freed.

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