There are dozens of Jedi and Sith that can be considered to be some of the most dangerous Force users in the galaxy. One of the most feared Sith to ever pick up a lightsaber is Darth Tyranus, more commonly known as Count Dooku. He was a major antagonistic force throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy of films and even more so in The Clone Wars television series.

His turn to the Dark Side shocked many of the Jedi and shook the Star Wars universe. If someone as powerful and as well-respected as Count Dooku was capable of turning to the Dark Side of the Force, it meant that no Jedi was truly safe from the pull of evil. Dooku would be defeated eventually, but until then the threat he posed was one of the most menacing in the galaxy.

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Who Trained Count Dooku?

Star Wars

While Count Dooku had hoped to be trained by the skilled Altiri Jedi Master Lene Kostana, he would find himself under the tutelage of none other than Master Yoda. As one of the most powerful Jedi in existence, Yoda showed Dooku the ways of the Force. On their adventures, Dooku witnessed incredible feats from his master, including a battle Yoda undertook with a massive alien creature known as a Terentatek.

While Yoda was able to aid Dooku's incredible skill with a lightsaber and push his Force abilities to new heights, Yoda was strict in the ways of the Jedi, and Dooku was not. Throughout Gooku's youth, there were many instances of the Jedi Order acting in ways that could be viewed as villainous, something that would create turmoil within Dooku. One such instance involved a massive, deadly storm that was set to hit planet Protobranch. Yoda advised against informing the planet, resulting in mass casualties.

It was during his youth in the Jedi order that Dooku would show his first inclination toward the Dark Side of the Force, once using Force Lightning to attack a group of enemies. Despite this setback, which was immediately confronted by the Jedi, Dooku was able to move through the rest of his training with Yoda with ease. He would quickly become a full Jedi Knight before eventually reaching the status of Jedi Master alongside his own former master.

It is worth noting that due to Dooku's close ties with Sifo-Dyas and his master Lene Kostana, Dooku could have said to have been trained in part by both of them as well. Dooku would often spend time with the two, joining them on their adventures across the galaxy when he wasn’t out with Yoda. Interestingly, Kostana often had conflicting principles compared to Yoda, something that originally caused Dooku to desire Kostana as his master.

How Powerful Was Count Dooku?

count dooku

It’s not a stretch to say that Count Dooku was one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. In his early twenties, Dooku was already capable of executing the Force Lightning attack to combat enemies, and defeated an equally legendary Jedi in Sifo-Dyas with one hand and no vision. This should make it clear that his mastery of the Force and his skill with a lightsaber were second to none. Realistically, the only Jedi who had a chance of defeating Dooku in ordinary combat were the likes of Yoda, Mace Windu, and the man who would eventually defeat him, Anakin Skywalker.

A combination of Count Dooku’s curved lightsaber and his skill with the relatively rare second lightsaber form, Makashi, made him a brutally dangerous foe to fight. Most people weren’t familiar with his style of fighting, which led to him cutting down his enemies with ease. Dooku was so skilled with his chosen lightsaber style that he was widely regarded to be the greatest practitioner of it in the galaxy.

While Count Dooku didn’t demonstrate as much mastery of the Force as some others in the Star Wars universe, he was clearly quite skilled. He was capable of utilizing multiple Force techniques in conjunction with one another. For example, he would often utilize classic Force Telekinesis alongside other Force powers, most notably his powerful Force Lightning. This simple combination made him a deadly Force user.

This immense power led Dooku to guide some of the most powerful Jedi and potential Sith in the galaxy. On the side of light, Dooku was the master of the famous Qui-Gon Jinn. On the Dark Side, Dooku took Asajj Ventress on as his apprentice. In both situations, Dooku’s students became incredibly powerful force-users, though both of would be cut down before they could reach their full potential.

Who Has Count Dooku Defeated?

count dooku as a young jedi with a blue lightsaber

Count Dooku has defeated and held his own against a list of some shocking opponents. Most notably, he managed to defeat both Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Attack Of The Clones. It could be said he lost to Yoda, since Dooku fled the fight, but he was at the very least able to hold his own against one of the most powerful Jedi of all time. It’s worth mentioning that Dooku did have multiple other encounters with Anakin and Obi-Wan in The Clone Wars, and always managed to make it out of the fight.

He has other impressive feats such as his victory in his youth over Sifo-Dyas, a win against a series of Nightsister assassins that he couldn’t even see at the time, and wins over both Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress. Dooku would additionally find himself at odds with Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress later on during the Clone Wars, and he would finally kill his defiant apprentice with Force Lightning in that encounter. Dooku would also rack up countless kills of various diplomats, grunts, and other random figures across the galaxy during the Clone Wars.

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