There is no shortage of incredible characters in the Star Wars universe. Many of the most recognizable and beloved characters are major figures in the Star Wars film trilogies, but there are a few that never made it that far. One of those characters just so happens to be the iconic Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress.

This powerful Force-user made a massive impact in the fan-favorite television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Spending much of her time at odds with the likes of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, she was a powerful foe, but she was almost always looking out for her own interests instead of those seeking to control her.

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Who Is Asajj Ventress?

Asajj Ventress in Star Wars

While only a portion of her life is widely known thanks to her time in The Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress is actually one of the most interesting canon figures in the Star Wars universe. She has tiptoed on the line between dark and light, often going back and forth depending on the era of her life that she was in. Over the years, she’s served the Jedi, the Sith, and even her own whims as one of the mightiest forces to walk the galaxy.

Born on the eerie planet of Dathomir, Asajj was initially a member of the Nightsisters before she would eventually be taken away from her people, and then later saved by a Jedi Knight. It was the Jedi Ky Narec who would teach Asajj the ways of the Jedi, but unfortunately, he would be slain by pirates, resulting in Asajj embracing the Dark Side of the Force. Due to how powerful she would become while embracing the Dark Side, she would eventually be found by Count Dooku, who would then enlist her services.

Asajj’s life was constantly filled with battle, with her most significant battles coming during her time adventuring during the Clone Wars. Working under Count Dooku for some time, she often found herself battling powerful Jedi. She was never made a true member of the Sith, due to the Rule Of Two. Instead, she acted as an assassin with the potential to rise to the rank of a true Sith had Count Dooku enacted a plan to overthrow Darth Sidious.

Over the course of her life, Asajj would struggle with the pull of the Dark and Light Sides of the Force. After splitting from Dooku and ending her evil ways, Asajj Ventress would take up a new lightsaber to discover that her blade of choice was yellow. She would find herself partnered with the Jedi Quinlan Vos after this, but unfortunately, things wouldn’t end well for the pair. Despite her mighty abilities and a bit of a turn to being more of a Gray Jedi, she would eventually fall to a powerful foe.

How Powerful Was Asajj Ventress?

Asajj Ventress LIGHTSABERS from Star Wras: Clone Wars

It’s fair to say that Asajj Ventress was one of the most powerful Force-users of the Clone Wars era. While she was far from the caliber of a Jedi Master, she was more than capable of holding her own against legendary Jedi. She often found herself toe-to-toe with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, sometimes at the same time. Yet, she almost always managed to avoid defeat. She may seem like a standard Sith combatant at a glance, but she was far more deadly than one might think.

While the Jedi who originally trained her may not thrill anyone, it’s important to know that Asajj also spent years under Count Dooku’s tutelage. Count Dooku is widely regarded as one of the most skilled lightsaber duelists in the franchise, and his training makes Asajj Ventress even more deadly. Her skill with a blade was shown in a number of duels, with opponents including Savage Opress, Darth Maul, and Count Dooku. Perhaps the most significant is her fight against General Grievous, in which she cut one of his arms off and would have had him at her mercy if it hadn't been for a volley of droid blaster fire.

While less emphasis is put on her Force abilities due to how infrequently she showed of her prowess, it’s clear that Asajj Ventress was quite skilled in the Force. She used classic abilities to augment her powers along with other abilities like telekinesis, Force choke, and even animal control. Her connection with the Dark Side of the Force was so strong that it even concerned Darth Sidious, to the point that he commanded Count Dooku to kill the apprentice before she gained too much power. If a Force-user had enough potential to be considered a threat by the most powerful Sith in the history of the galaxy, it’s safe to say that Asajj Ventress was a massive threat.

How Did Asajj Ventress Die?

Asajj Ventress Comics

Unfortunately, fans of The Clone Wars who don’t do any expanded reading will have completely missed the fact that Asajj Ventress is currently dead in the Star Wars canon. If she had managed to make it through the Clone Wars, it’s likely that she could have gone into exile and lived to aid future generations against the darkness that would befall the galaxy. Sadly, she would find herself on the wrong end of a potent blast of Force lightning.

This occurred in a scuffle between Quinlan Vos, Asajj Ventress, and Count Dooku in the midst of a plot by Vos to kill both Dooku and Darth Sidious. The plan would be a massive failure, and when Dooku lashed out at his foes with lightning, Asajj Would jump in the way in order to save the only man she ever loved, Quinlan Vos. Dooku would then escape, but Asajj’s sacrifice would see to it that Quinlan Vos was firmly planted on the Light Side of the Force for years to come. She would be buried back on her home planet of Dathomir, and soon afterward, the Clone Wars came to a close when Order 66 was enacted.

Star Wars is available to stream on Disney+.

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