One of the best parts of the Star Wars universe is its scale. The films do a very effective job at making the galaxy feel expansive and varied, with different planets, locations, and species displayed on-screen. However, the role that the television shows, books, and comics have played in making it so much bigger cannot be understated. Part of this expansion comes not only in making the galaxy larger, but in filling out the timeline as well. In many cases, Star Wars supplemental material has taken place anywhere from thousands of years prior to, or hundreds of years after the events of the films.

One of the more recent developments of the Star Wars universe came in the form of the High Republic era, which explores the state of the Jedi and the galaxy a couple of hundred years before the events of the original Star Wars film. Given that this time period covers an era when the Sith were still believed to be extinct, a new villain faction was necessary. Born out of that need were the Nihil, a ruthless group of pirates that came into conflict with the expanding Republic and Jedi Order in 232 BBY. With the television show The Acolyte coming in the not-so-distant future, audiences might see them on-screen for the first time. Understanding their history and conflicts with the heroes of the Star Wars galaxy will be important going in.

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Who Are The Nihil?

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Fueled by their motivation to pillage and steal for wealth, the Nihil were a pirate-like people who existed and operated beyond the reaches of the Republic in the Outer Rim. Without admiration for mercy or forgiveness, the Nihil’s ruthless tendencies to act without remorse in their killing and stealing gained them a reputation that struck fear into their opponents. They were united by their greedy and callous nature, as well as their disdain for the Republic, which was continuing to expand across the galaxy at the time. The Nihil saw the Republic as a force that encroached upon their territory, which eventually led to a major conflict between the two factions.

Despite their savage nature, the Nihil did have an organization to their ranks that provided them with structure and unity in their conquests. At the time of their appearance in the High Republic material, their leader is Marchion Ro, whose family aided in growing the Nihil to a far more sizable force than it had been previously. Similar to Viking traditions of old, the Nihil had a home meeting spot known as the Great Hall where they would engage in celebrations.

Technologically, the Nihil had certain tricks up their sleeves that allowed them to engage in their raiding practices more efficiently. With a device known as a path engine, the Nihil and their ships were effectively able to appear out of thin air. This allowed them the valuable element of surprise against their targets, as well as a frightening and mysterious presence. This technology aided them in attacks against the Republic later on.

Conflict With The Republic

Star Wars Rising Storm book cover High Republic

As mentioned before, the Nihil were not pleased with how the Republic seemed to be expanding across the galaxy without showing any signs of stopping. Their leader, Marchion Ro, held a particular hatred for the Republic during this era, motivating him to move the forces of the Nihil against them. After growing their numbers and influence significantly, Ro was ready to move the Nihil into carrying out their first major attack against their enemies.

In a horrifying, unheard-of tactic, Ro ordered one of the Nihil’s ships to be entered into a hyperspace lane, hoping for it to impact with a Republic vessel. This was successful, and when the massive pieces of wreckage from the decimated ship re-entered normal space, they traveled full speed toward a nearby planet, effectively causing a shower of debris upon the planet’s inhabitants. The Republic sent aid to the world in order to evacuate as many people as possible, and the event ended up being remembered as the Great Hyperspace Disaster.

Yet another major Nihil offensive against the Republic occurred sometime later, at Chancellor Lina Soh’s Republic Fair. Given that many Jedi were off fighting on separate missions, the fair was left with less security than it would end up needing. The Nihil attacked multiple fronts, resulting in the deaths of countless Republic civilians. Valuable Republic assets and ships were destroyed in this attack as well.

In a third devastating blow for the Republic, the Nihil targeted Starlight Beacon, a major new Republic base that could be purposed as a military station. After setting off a bomb in the base, it fell out of orbit and onto a nearby planet. This loss of Starlight Beacon set back the progress of the Republic’s expansion significantly. With three major blows to the strength and stability of the Republic, the Nihil are undoubtedly one of the most fearsome forces the Star Wars galaxy has seen to date.

The Acolyte is in production now and will premiere on Disney Plus.

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